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smut warning !
"kento i said i'll call you" i looked at the man that stood in front of my door, he fixed his tie "i know what you said, i thought it'll be best if we talked in person", "omg, come in" i opened my door farther letting him walk in, he took in the scent of my house smiling "stop actin' like you weren't just in here last week"

"shut up, i'm just taking in the scent", "alright, lemme know what i'm up for with marryin' yo ass" i sat on my couch turning off my tv, nanami went in my kitchen grabbing two glasses and a bottle of wine. this man was too comfortable in a home that wasn't his

"well for starters, there's nothing really to it- you be a wife, i'm not gonna let everyone know about what you do because i know how judgemental people can be, i have a child one child she's 5 her name is harmony", my eyes widened he had a whole ass child, i'm the only child i have never dealt with bad ass kids

"a child ?, is she bad ? cause if she is we can't get married" he chuckled taking a sip of wine "no she doesn't misbehave around me in particular, but her mother is a bad influence i can say. the language and the things she has harmony saying is outrageous but i'm workin' on that, she loves meeting new people, harm' is very outgoing"

"alright, is that it?" he nodded licking his lips and staring at me "what?" i looked at him, "i'm not gonna leave without fucking you love, let's get that skirt hiked up and you bent over"

i lifted my skirt up while nanami took his pants and boxers off, he slid my panties to the side before ducking down to eat me out, his tongue flicked and licked my clit "fuck this pussy baby, i'm glad i chose you to marry me" , he started burying his tongue into my pussy tasting every drop that dared to come out

"i can't wait anymore, i gotta feel you" i felt him slap his dick a couple of times on my ass before sliding into me, he thrusted his hips hitting my sweet spot "fuck nanami"! i moaned burying my head into the pillow on the couch, he smacked my ass before pulling my cheeks apart and spat between them waiting for the spit to slide down to my cunt, he fucked into me more adding inch by inch into me.

his hand connected with my ass again "let me see some more action, fuck yourself onto this dick angel" i threw my ass back onto him, hearing our skin clap together "fuckkk, this pussy is gonna be the death of me i swear" nanami let out a throaty moan before grabbing my shoulders and pounding into me, he was balls deep in me "oh my fucking- i'm gonna cum ken'" i whimpered feeling him hold his dick into me, i started creaming out his shaft before he pulled out of me

"i'm not done love, come ride me" i got up sitting on nanami in reverse cowgirl, i bounced up and down on him feeling his dick get deeper "damn baby, you feel so good" his hand slapped my ass again, i moaned holding onto his knees to keep myself up "nanami, nanami"! i moaned chanting his name, his head flew back biting his lip in ecstasy "i'm gonna cum pretty girl, bounce that pretty ass on this dick and make daddy cum"

after a few more bounces, nanami's cum started splurging into me "shit baby, i'm cumming so hard" he moaned lowly rubbing my hips

"let's get cleaned up, we gotta fill your closet up at my house because you're moving in"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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