5 *~ into the woods

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A/N: My awesome diagram. And Wynter and Willa/Wyatt are like 2nd cousins, once or twice removed or something, anyway let's just say they are not truly blood-related, okay?


Wyatt faced west towards Zombietown, his body rigid and tense. The vibe he gave off sent shivers down Addison's spine, not that she was scared of him, but because she was very worried. Worried, because though she had noticed Wyatt's attitude towards Zed since coming back from his mysterious trip had been a little more biting, a little more violent, she hadn't realized just how much of an effect her boyfriend had on him. In fact, he'd never been like this, jaw clenched, hands curled into fists, canines lengthening as she watched, pure predatory.

Pushing past her thoughts on Zed-she did not want to think about him and his reactions and what he would say or possibly do, which was ridiculous, he was her boyfriend for Christ's sale-Addison decided to focus on Wyatt in the here and now. Not as a distraction, really it wasn't. Or maybe it was. Though she was really concerned about him. Addison carefully made her way towards Wyatt, hands out in a placating manner. "Wyatt." Her voice was soft, not wanting to spook him.

He only turned his head slightly, enough to give Addison a view of how bright and feral his eyes looked, glowing yellow-almost gold-under furrowed brows. Small drops of blood dripped down his chin.

"Are you-"

Wyatt lurched forward, stumbling over his feet, a gasp of pain on his lips as he then rocked backward. His hand fumbled at his chest until he pulled his necklace free from under his shirt. Addison was at his side instantly, one hand gripping his shoulder to steady him, the other going towards his chest. Wyatt jerked away from her, out of her grip, turning his back to her swiftly, shoulders hunched in on himself.

"Wyatt!" Addison cried, stunned at his rejection. Touch was his comfort. He'd never been bothered by it.

"I'm fine!" Pain laced his growl as he took a few steps to put distance between them.

Bullshit. "You're obviously in pain!"

"It's just-it doesn't-I said I'm fine," he shook his arm when she tried to pull on his elbow. She needed him to look her in the eyes if he was going to just blatantly lie to her face.

"You don't seem fine at all!" she protested, circling him. With every step she took, he took two more, successfully keeping her at bay.

"Please, Addison," his voice was lower this time, shaky, full of a pleading that cut at Addison's heart. Never had she heard him beg for anything.

He was keeping things from her. Werewolf secrets she could understand, she could accept, if reluctantly. Personal secrets her best friend was holding too close, too tightly, was something she would not accept, not when they seemed to garner such visceral reactions. Again, a flicker of anger made Addison bare her teeth in a grimace. It was so sudden that combined with the tone of Wyatt's voice, she halted abruptly, one arm out, reaching for empty air. She let it fall to her side.

Addison was not an angry person, or at least, she didn't think so, and certainly not towards Wyatt of all people.

She gritted her teeth. "Fine, you're fine, whatever." She glanced up at the sky. It looked to be the afternoon with where the sun was positioned in the sky, casting shadows to the west. "We should head back to the Den."

"Let's just make a fire here," Wyatt grumbled, kicking twigs and dead leaves from an area near two pine trees. The anger and pain left him suddenly, unclenching his fists and folding them across his chest, a barrier of protection. From her. "I haven't slept outside for a while." Addison mulled it over and agreed that it sounded...nice. She enjoyed being in the forest, it felt grounding. "You grab some wood and kindling; I'll look for some bracken. I think I know where a willow tree is around here." He turned to wander off in the opposite direction of her before stopping. "Addison?"

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