Chapter 2: Rescue Mission

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            It was dark. Cold. Quiet. All I could do is stare at the ceiling. Since I was the only thing I could do. Everyday I would wait for the doctor to see what kind of stuff he would bring or what kind of tests I would have to do. That's how my life worked, nothing really changed until I met him. From the moment I met something felt different, being near him was just safe, and warm, and happy. Through our time and journey together, we had happy times, sad times, hard times, playful times. And with him hold my hand, it felt as if I was human to.  I would do anything to keep that happiness. Until....


            Fujimaru had woken up from being knocked out by that mysterious servant. He's was alone  in the room. It seem off, as if he something was lost. He was expecting someone come in his room, but no one came. Something was off. Suddenly he had remembered what happened, That black knight servant took Mash away. He quickly got up from his bed, wore his black mystic code, and ran to the command room as fast as he can.

Fujimaru: *huff huff* Where's Mash?!

         Everyone fell silent

Da Vinci: I'm sorry Fujimaru, but she was taken by that servant.

Fujimaru: no no no no no, she can't...oh no, this can't be happening again. This is all my fault.

Da Vinci: Don't blame yourself. None couldn't do anything about it as well, no one is at fault.

          Fujimaru did his best to get a hold of himself, they had to do something to get Mash back.

Gordlolf: We'll now that everyone is here and and calmed down.... WHAT ON EARTH JUST HAPPENED!?

Sion: Well we were attacked for starters.

Gorldof: I Know that much!

Da Vinci: We also know they're actually from that future Chaldea we were talking about earlier.

Fujimaru: So why did they come and attack us, we're they just here to take mash 

Sion: That we don't know, my only theory is that Mash might be involved with something huge.

Fujimaru: What could they be after by using Mash

Sion: That's what we'er gonna find out.

Gordolf: Now that's settled then, how do we get to this mysterious servant. We aren't able to rayshift to the future now can we?

Da Vinci: no but there is some on who can.

Everyone: ???

???: ah hahahahahahahaha, finally my time to shine!

Fujimaru: oh no

???: What !? How could you say that to your favorite devilish kohai!?

        Everyone had turned their heads to the entrance of the command room only to be greeted by the purple haired future A.I trouble maker kohai, B.B.

B.B: Hi hi hiiiiii~~ It's your favorite kohai. B.B.

Da Vinci: Yep, she's here. Thanks for coming on short notice. Know fujimaru remember how you rayshifted to SE.RA.PH? We're gonna do that only this time B.B's gonna take you to the Chaldea from the future, got it?

Fujimaru: Got it

Da Vinci : oh and also we brought some servants who may be fit for this mission.

???: Do not fear master, for we the 3 members of the round table shall assist you on your mission to save Lady Mash.

          Everyone turned at the entrance to see Gawain, Lancelot, and caster Artoria.

Castoria: we'll technically I'm not a member of the round table.

Gawain: Nonsense, those who share the face of our great king will always be part of the knights of the round table.

Lancelot: indeed, I couldn't have said it better myself.

Fujimaru: Lancelot, Gawain, Artoria!

Artoria: Hey, Fujimaru! Good to see ya, and we're here to help.

Gawain: That is indeed correct, we are also aware of the situation.

Lancelot: That's right, we'll do everything we can to help you and save Mash.

Fujimaru: Thank you guys, I really do appreciate it.

B.B: Also Fujimaru, since this also similar to what happened on SE.RA.PH. You won't be able to stay in contact with Chaldea. So you on your own. Well, for the time being anyway.

Fujimaru: Don't, we'll be back with Mash in no time.

Da Vinci: Well good luck then, please be careful and find out what this future Chaldea is.

         Fujimaru gave everyone a thumbs up, as soon as he did they were then Rayshifted to the future Chaldea, with the help of B.B's "cheat code" to keep their existing intact. They were headed towards the future Chaldea and save Mash no matter what.


         Everything was dark, Mash could barely see anything. The only thing she can feel was the cold soft bed she was lying on. Her eyes soon adjusted to the dark and soon she realized she was in Fujimaru's bedroom, only it looked messy and abandoned. There were cobwebs and large balls of dust the corners, the bathroom door was open and empty, and Fujimaru's drawer and clothes were on the floor. The only thing was clean was his desk, computer, and his bed of course. 

Mash: W-where am I exactly....Wait!

       She remembered being kidnapped by that mysterious black knight, but she wonders why she even took her. But before she could think, she heard foot steps coming from the other side of the door. As the door opens, the black knight had entered the room.

Mash:I-it's you, why have brought me here?!

        The Black knight stood silent, as she walked toward mash, she could feel a glare coming from underneath the black knight's helmet. However their glare disappeared as the black knight faces the computer. 

Black knight: Come here... There something I want to show you. 

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