Universe 1 - A Dragons Fire Bonus #2

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Warnings: cursing, mentions of death


"Mom! Spades being a little shithead!"

"And Flaire won't stop being a dumbass!"

"Don't curse at your siblings! You can talk things out normally. Can't get one minute of peace around here," I mutter rubbing my temples from the ships steering wheel as they come storming over with frowns plastered on their faces. "What are you fighting about now? What could possibly warrant those reactions from you?"

Spade, my fifteen year old son, he starts off while glaring at his twin sister. Most of the time they were the best of friends but on the very few occasions they were exactly like this. And it doesn't help that we just left an island not even a day ago so now we were stuck at sea for however freaking long until we get to the next pit stop island. I was not going to listen to them argue about whatever pettiness until we get there so I had to end this now.

"Flaire's got some dumbass idea that you're a Celestial Dragon!" Spade yells.

My head snaps towards the both of them and I feel my heart stop. It felt like I was going to suffocate with the way my throat closed up. Ace and I never told them that I was a Celestial Dragon so they didn't know that they were also apart of the founding families who created the World Government. That they were Celestial Dragons. We thought we'd wait until they were old enough to tell them so they could grow up without the sense of entitlement and see that everyone's the same despite what people will tell them. To have so much power so young is asking for a bad turnout and we didn't want that with them.

We couldn't under any circumstance let them grow up with that entitlement despite Spade being a prince and Flaire being a princess. To know they are Celestial Dragons would be like handing them the universe on a silver platter and waiting for them to destroy it, especially with the strength they got from Ace and I.

I'm snapped out my daze when Flaire starts up. "And shithead Spade thinks dad is related to the King of the Pirates!" Flaire spits out and I resist the groan that was so tempting to let out.

"They're brothers," I simply state, being slightly oblivious to what they were really talking about.

Flaire sighs in disappointment and goes on to explain more. "Not uncle Luffy, he said there was a first one who was a demon and dad's related to him."

A lightbulb goes off in my head so fast that I got dizzy.

Oh fuck.

We never told them about Roger either. Roger was a sensitive topic for Ace and he had no reason to bring up his painful past to them. They weren't old enough yet to understand how much pain he went through because their entire lives, they've felt nothing but love and protection. Ace and I were the exact opposite growing up, and we didn't want them to feel like that or have to fend for themselves.

We would do better. Our past, our fathers, it wasn't something we wanted them to know about yet even if it was inevitable. We have come so far and now it feels like it's crashing down on us from our own children.

"That's what I've heard in towns!" Spade yells at her.

"So where do you think I heard my theory!" Flaire gives him a rhetorical question looking at Spade like he's some sort of idiot.

Spade pretends to think for a moment before exploding like a hot head. "In a barrel of barnacles!"

"Enough!" I scream startling both of them. My fingers go to my head and I feel an incoming headache fast approaching. Whether from the screaming or the fact they figured out the truth, I couldn't tell. "I can't keep doing this every mission we go on together! Both of you sit down and take the wheel while I go and get your father." I sternly walk away.

Universe {Portgas D. Ace x reader}Where stories live. Discover now