Sucking up

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Alastor had been going to Ozzys club in the pride ring every night since he heard you fell.

In the off chance your love of music and hard liquor would bring you here.

He found himself at the same table every night.
Just as he had last night when he caught you prancing around in that bright pink dress.

Sitting in Voxes lap,
Flirting with the weaker overlords.

It made his blood boil.

So there he sat waiting for the show to begin only he wasn't even sure if you were gonna show up.

You were slowly becoming integrated into hell, I'm sure it didn't help that you were being moved place to place by your master.

1am rolls around and he watches you saunter out onto the stage in an ivory silk dress.

Just like the one you wore so many years ago when they had first gotten engaged.

Your accompanist is absent again tonight.

He found himself walking to the stage and seating himself at the piano.

His fingers playing the first two chords to
La Vie En Rose.

He watches your tail wag as he presses on the ivory's.
Even if you never showed it,
You were happy to see him again.
Even if it was just subconsciously.

Your melodic voice echoing through the club,
You away and dance to his music.
He smiles the stresses of the morning melting away with every press of a pedal.

He's transported to the memories of the club in New Orleans, the bar, the apartment.
Sweeter, simpler times.

He's reminded of New York City,
Dancing in Central Park.

His family, you.

He finds himself singing along,
Your voice harmonizing with his.

The chemistry the spark that brought you two together never went out.
Still alive and well.

"Didn't take her long, now did it Voxy~"
Valentino coos.
Voxes eyes gloss over..
He knew to not take it personally.
But his heart wasn't gonna buy it.

Alastors shadow manning the piano so that he could dance with you on the stage.

Taking your hand he spins you around.
Dancing in a slow two step.

Not to sound like a bitch-
But, you were annoyed- Alastor was back to acting as if nothing happened his hands grabbing at you and dancing.

You wanted so badly to forgive and forget.
But your heart wouldn't allow it.
The fear of rejection branded to yourself,
Mind, body and soul.

You shiver in his embrace.
You continue singing as he dances with you.
You finish your set, stepping away from him you walk to the bar ordering a whiskey neat.

He sits next to you,
"Mon petit cher-
Do you remember? Do you forgive me?"
You sip the whiskey, the burn masking the ache in your chest.
You look away from him.
He takes your hand in his,
"Please Mon cher, let me explain.
I-that night, before the wedding- I was shot."
Your eyes widen and you take a long look at him.

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