The Orphan

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I'm starting to cry thinking of how we must have been keeping them from living good lives for so long.

I see that when they retaliated, they accidentally left something behind. No, not something, someone. 

It is a child. One of the smallest Waspians I have ever seen. She looks to be very young, maybe about five or six years old.

"I-it's the queen... she's come to take me home! Wait... she doesn't look like Waspia's queen... O-oh no...! Don't hurt me..."

"Don't worry, little one. I would never hurt a child, let alone one so young. What is your name?"

"I'm Vespa... are you really sure you don't want to hurt me?"

"Of course, I'm sure. I have no reason to. You can stay with me until your family inevitably comes back."

"I... don't have a family..."

Upon hearing this, my heart broke. She looks so scared, so helpless... I really want to make sure no one lays a hand on her. She is fragile, like all children, so I need to watch her like a berhakh. A berhakh is a beetlet of prey found all over the world, well, Arthropodian world anyway. 

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