3 ~ Movie Night

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            Everyone was ready and hopped into a limo. Melissa was driving, Shima was in the front next to her. You and Dolan were conveniently sitting next to each other in the middle row. Paprika and Doopie were also in the middle row. In the back was the rest of the crew. The car starts and you're on your way to the movies. Weirdly, you sense someone looking at you so you look behind you and see Pringle staring at you. You guys make hard eye contact for a solid 8 seconds until Pringle gives you a flirty wink. You slightly smile at him, not really knowing how to respond. For some reason you could tell he was trying to subliminally tell you "good luck". When you turn back to your original position, Dolan is right in front of your face. You jump a little and he jumps too. "Uh.. sorry.." Dolan says quickly. You just nod as a awkwardly response. You both look away from each other.

Doopie looks worried, seeing that it's not working out quite right, so she purposely scoots closer to you, then scoots back to her seat. From this, you got pushed unreasonably closer to Dolan. It was a pretty tight squeeze. "My bad!" Doopie said fakely. Somehow, you fell for that and you just nodded. You slowly scoot away from Dolan, trying to go back to your original spot, but Dolan.. latches onto you. He's tightly holding your arm, and he's still blushing. "Haha.. um.. Dolan?" You whisper sarcastically to him. He doesn't answer, he just hugs you tighter. You accept it but you try covering him when anyone's looking to avoid embarrassment. You lay your head on top of him and he digs his head into your chest.

Finally, you arrive at the movie theatre. You tap Dolan to wake him up because apparently he'd fell asleep during the drive. Dolan yawns but lays on your lap still. It seems he isn't awake yet, but he's very clingy. You push him a bit but accidentally push him down to the floor. "AHH!!" He screamed. Everyone glances at him but doesn't really care. Hellbent was laughing harder than ever however. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Dolan!" You say as you help him up. You offered him one hand to help him up but he held it with both his hands. "It's quite alright I guess..!" He says awkwardly after at least 3 seconds of silence. "C'mon, guys!" Shima says. You and Dolan both head out the car and walk into the theatre. Once everyone has their popcorn and snacks, you and the crew head to a movie.

"This movie is horrible." Hellbent groans. "This isn't even the movie! It's still just trailers, Hellbent!" Doopie argues. You can hear Doopie and Hellbent fighting and Melissa with Shima trying to resolve it. The others just watched. "So, you doing anything tonight?" Dolan asks. It seemed like he'd gotten a confidence boost for some reason. It was a good thing though, seeing that everytime you'd talk to Dolan he'd look like he's about to faint. "Not that I know of," you wink sarcastically. His face gets all flustered for a second, but he surprisingly gets a hold of himself easily.

Finally, the movie starts. Doopie and Hellbent start arguing because their attention is leaded to the big movie screen. As you're watching, you glance over your shoulder and see Dolan staring at you while nervously fidgeting with his fingers. I don't know about you, but a lot of these people got a serious staring problem with you. It's kind of creepy so you just ignore it. "Um.. Hey.. Y/N? I-I saw a spider and- uh..." Dolan stuttered. You give him a funny look. Was he scared of spiders? Well, that's obvious. He's Dolan. "Hmm?" You tilt your head. "I was wondering if you'd.. hold my hand?- ONLY BECAUSE IM SCARED!!" He corrects. You cringe a little but you couldn't help but smile. "Sure," You lend your hand to him. He looks at you with a huge happy expression and hold your hand through out the whole rest of the movie. What a night.

During the movie...

"Hey, Y/N?"


"Sorry about putting my head into your chest in the car. I was really tired and I wasn't thinking straight and-"

"No, no, it's alright. I really didn't mind."

Dolan smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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