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Enzo was waiting patiently as he sat in the Salvatore Mansion in London.
Enzo was sweating heavily he was scared to death. Not cause of Diana. He was scared to meet Stefan.

Diana rolled her eyes at Enzo being afraid of her baby brother. Come on he is so cute and sweet why would he hurt anyone.

But Diana didn't help him either and left him in his own mid-life crisis.

Stefan came home praying that his sister didn't do anything crazy for him to clean up. He was followed by their long time friend and butler Benjamin. Who refused to become a vampire but remained by their side for a long time till now.

Stefan saw Enzo at the living room he looked scared as he gulped a few times. Stefan sighed Diana cleared didn't explain to him that he won't harm him.

Stefan extended his hand towards Enzo. Enzo took it cautiously shaking it. Stefan introduced himself to Enzo.

Stefan, "Hi I am Stefan Salvatore. It's nice to meet you Lorenzo"

Enzo smiled his rapidly beating heart was a bit slow now, "It's a pleasure to meet you too Stefan"

Diana smiled fondly at scene in front of her. She hoped of these two got well together then in the future Bonnie won't lose Enzo. She had to work a bit more to strengthen their relationship.

Diana cleared her throat drawing attention of the men to her.

Diana, "I see that you have met my baby brother and let me tell you this she is an adorable little baby brother. And Steffie you met Enzo so you don't you boys hang out at the bar get to know each other a bit more"

Stefan, "Well that would be a great idea but what on earth are you going to do when I am gone? "

Diana, "Sleep? "

Stefan, "Diana don't lie to me. What are you planning?"

Diana huffed, "OK fine. I have an informer coming to me. He is going to give me the information of what the hybrid ass is doing"

Stefan, "D! We talked about this I don't like that hybrid ass at all. You have a crush on him or something?"

Diana looked at her brother disgusted, "The opposite. I am going to steal something from him. And in turn I am going to give him something as well"

Stefan rolled his eyes clearly not buying it.

As they continued their quarrel Enzo looked at him with longing in his eyes.

He wanted to have a relationship as well. Someone to talk to. Someone to share a laugh with.

He knew what he wanted and he was ready. He sighed before he looked at their butler who nodded at him knowingly.

Enzo, "Well. I have taken a decision"

Diana and Stefan stopped their quarrel. Diana looked at him questioningly. Stefan as well. So far he liked Enzo.

Enzo, "I want to become a vampire.......

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