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Diana woke up and realized what she didn't. She did not see that coming. That one day she would hook up with Kol and now here he is asleep. Diana was cursing herself and whatnot.

She quickly got ready......and tiptoed out of his room and saw Marcel and Rebekah scheming and planning to frame Kol. Her blood boiled

So she snapped Marcel's Neck and looked at Rebekah, "You will tell Klaus what you have been scheming or I will"

Rebekah the original vampire then said, "Do you think I fear you?"

Diana laughed as she said, "No but you will now"

She took a broken wooden chair handle and aimed it at Marcel's heart. She smirked at Rebekah. Right now she felt like an ass. But what Rebekah was doing is completely wrong.

And she found Kol hot too. What the hell was Diana thinking.

Diana then said to Rebekah, "You were saying?"

Rebekah's eyes widened. Fear in her eyes as she took a step back. She quickly said, "No! Please. I will tell him everything"

Klaus and Elijah came into the room to see the commotion. Hera glared at Rebekah. Rebekah told Klaus everything that she and Marcel were planning.

Klaus looked hurt and devasted. That his own sister would betray him. In anger he snapped Rebekah's neck and looked at Diana in gratitude.

As Diana was leaving. Elijah stopped her saying, "lady Salvatore. I couldn't help but think that you have something to do with the missing daggers"

Diana cursed herself in her mind. She knew Klaus was an idiot, but Not Elijah. Instead of lying she then said, "Yes. Elijah I am D. S. As in Diana Salvatore and I have Katherine locked up in a coffin. Long story short..she tried to harm my baby brother"

Elijah was dumbfounded by the answer but he didn't entirely believe her so he Asked, "May I see her?"

Diana then gave him her address and then said, "You can see her tomorrow. But right now I have to go"

Diana vamp speed away. Before she entered her house. She took a deep breath. Her baby brother and Best friend will now see her walk of shame. Yay so excited! Definitely no.

So Diana decided to sneak in. Until she heard the two of them clear their throat. Diana turned around to be met with their amused expressions. Diana then said, "I was running Errands"

Enzo sarcastically said, "And I am a whore"

Diana then said, "That you are and it's nothing new"

Enzo looked offended.
While Stefan just laughed at their childish behavior

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