Party Feelings

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  I wasn't able to sleep, after I washed my face I planned to go back to bed but I just laid there staring up at my ceiling, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable but I just couldn't fall asleep. At one point I did end up falling asleep for like 20 minutes but then woke up again because another dream was forming, and not a good one. It was about Patrick, how if I waited longer to go into the sewer he would be dead and I would find his corpse.

   It was 3:00am now, I was still wide awake. I just laid there for hours staring at my ceiling not knowing what to do. It hit 4:00am and I was finally feeling my eyes getting a bit heavy. I managed to go to bed around 4:30, once my dad was getting up for work. I slept through most of the day until the phone started ringing around 12. I drowsily got out of my bed and grabbed the phone.
"Someones grumpy" Richies voice rang through the phone, honestly it was kinda annoying to hear when you first wake up.
"What do you want Richie"
"Well __ is throwing a party and invited the whole school, including us losers. All already got permission, even Eddie! Sooo you should go ask if you can go".
I didn't want to go, I really didn't want to go but maybe it will be good for me. You know to get my mind off of the clown, and Patrick.
"Alright i'll go ask"
I hung up on him before he could finish his little happy scream, because frankly I did not need that right now.

   I asked my mom and she said yes, not surprising, she gives me a lot of freedom and trusts me a lot. I called Richie and told him I could come, he was very happy and told me that him and Bill would pick me up and we would ride our bikes there. I felt a little better and did eventually want to go so I went and planned my outfit, I wanted to look decent. (You can pick any outfit you want). I waited for them to pull up, sitting on the porch holding my bike, staring out, watching the cars pass by and watch people walk by. It was about 4 in the afternoon and at this point I just realized they never told me what time the party was. I was about to get up and go back in the house but then I heard a bell ringing down the street "finally" I said as I ran down the sidewalk, hopping on my bike, and joining them as they turned around.

   The wind blowing against my face, my hair being forced out of my face, the adrenaline of going down the street on my bike, the beautiful peach and orange sky, the screams of my friends, it was perfect. It was just what I needed. I just needed a break from all that darkness and confusion i've been feeling, the party would be great.

   We pulled up to a house, a big house. There was already a lot of people heading into the house once we pulled up, im surprised how many people showed up, considering people were going missing so much recently. Speaking of that how did they manage to throw a party when the curfew was 7pm? I looked around and saw two police cars parked near by on either end of the house *ah thats how they managed to have this*. My hand felt warm all of a sudden and a force was pulling me forward "cmon! lets go inside" it was Stan, I guess he just got there. I smiled and followed him inside.

   Music was blaring, teenagers shouting, cups already all over the floor, people I recognized and people I didn't. "Wow the whole school really did show up" I said following Stan close behind "uhahaha yea and this is only the living room" I could tell he was getting anxious so I pointed out a corner and told the group to move there "this will be a meet spot, you know if any of us get bored or uncomfortable or something" I explained so Richie wouldn't complain, they all agreed and then we all went and did our own thing.

   So far 30 minutes passed, I mainly stuck to myself and ate some snacks here and there. At this point I was just bored, really there wasn't much to do. The stairs were filled with people making out and just standing there, basically had to squeeze through the smallest cracks of people to get upstairs. I made my way down the hallway and found a empty room, that was surprisingly a lot quieter then the rest of the house. I sat on the bed and stared at the door *this party is so boring, maybe I should have just stayed home* I thought laying down staring at the ceiling.

   I stayed like that for awhile until I felt a dip in the bed. I sat up and was met with green eyes, a very specific pair of green eyes, Patrick. He was right next to me, not doing anything, just staring. I shifted back to put some distance between us "hi Patrick" I said awkwardly, looking at the door then him "hello" he had a blank stare, as per usual, but something about it this time just enlightened me. What would happen if I just got up and left? Would he follow? Would he force me to stay? I stood up but felt weird, like fuzzy, he also stood up *oh my god he towers over me* I thought backing up towards the door "didn't know you were here" I said stopping in the doorway and leaning on it "its a party so might as well drop by" he said leaning on the other side, his foot meeting mine "so how have you been since our last encounter" I tried to make small talk the best I could, but omg his eyes. His gorgeous face. I couldn't stop looking at him "i've been fine" he still had a blank expression but I could see the corner of his lip tug up. I couldn't take my eyes off him, it was like his facial structure and the way his face moved was just so beautiful and graceful to only me. "If your going to keep staring at me might as well kiss me" he said smirking, grabbing my chin and moving his body closer.

   My mouth was parted, I wanted to speak but couldn't, he had me frozen, he had a hold of me, oh I know this is definitely not a dream. It was all so sudden, I couldn't stop myself, I shouldn't have done it. I came here to get my mind off him. I couldn't resist the urge, I just grabbed his face and kissed him, kissed him with so much want and need that im sure he took any chance he could to take advantage of me. Im his, I didn't mean for it to happen, I didn't want for it to happen but I can't do much when he physically tells me im his.

   I parted away from him and stumbled fully into the hallway "im sorry I uh I have to go" I said walking backwards "aww but we were having so much have fun" he walked closer and grabbed my waist. His rough lanky hand placed so gently but yet so strongly on my waist. "Yes yes I know but my friends are probably waiting for me" I couldn't help but just sink into him "they can wait" he was grinning. That one signature grin of his. He was right they could wait, but I felt like I had to go "im sorry I just feel like I have to go" I put my hands on his chest and looked up at his eyes "oh but y/n you have to stay with me, your mine."

   His grip tightened, my body pushed closer to his, oh my god the tension was killing me. He looked down at me, his eyes, they were dull, but they also showed a want. The lights were casting such a perfect shadows that outlined his face structure just right. The purple and pink lights shining on his face, I couldn't pull my eyes away from him. He didn't pull his eyes away from me either. Oh my god I might just love him.

might take another 3 months for the next chapter but we'll see 😉
i hope this one is good enough
im so sry it took forever i just could not bring myself to do it.
bye byee

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