Chapter 2

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CHAPTER 2- Crystelette

I am Crystelette, the messenger from Heaven. At least, I used to be her. I was an angel, but now I am not. Our Father banished us from heaven when he found out that all of the messengers had been conversing with those messengers from Hell. You may not think that it is as bad a crime as I make it  seem, however it shows that we could be traitors to heaven.

That's why I am falling. There are lots of us, the messengers, who are falling, trying to make sense of where we are. Father told us that he was angry, and would put us in a place called 'Earth', whatever that place is and that he would turn us into humans. He said he may say that we can come back, but only if we prove ourselves worthy of it. That is what I have to do to stop being a fallen angel. 

I was thinking about what I could do to be able to return to heaven, when we suddenly landed. It was somewhere  cold, and wet. It was like ice, but salty to the taste. It felt like someone was pressing tiny daggers into me. I cold barely move, the currents dragging me down, so I couldn't breath. Then suddenly my wings were gone. I tried to call for help but the liquid filled my mouth. I thought I was going to die. But I couldn't, because then I would be taken to Hell, and thrown into the firepit. I thrashed about with my arms, not knowing whether I was doing anything to help myself or not. 

After a few seconds, the liquid was lifted off me somehow, I don't know how and I found myself in a new setting. I looked around, but couldn't see any of the other fallen angels. I was all alone. Gently, I tried to calm myself down and studied the surroundings. There was some kind of powder beneath my feet, and something above me, the sky I think it was. I looked up, and thought of my Father. I quietly murmured 'Help me'.

Suddenly a white spotlight came down on me, and started moving. Miraculously, I knew what I had to do. I followed the light, and it took me to a flat, grey surface. With big robotic machines moving up and down it. I ran across this, and saw a building. I read what it said on the sign: 'Lorietta High School'. When I had thought through this, I decided to go inside. 

To my left was a room which said 'Medical' on it. I didn't think I was meant to go there. However, to my right was a room which said 'Reception'. Cautiously, so as not to attract attention I crept through the door. A woman sitting at a desk looked at me questionally.

"How can I help you dearie?" she said happily.

"Umm.. I was wondering if I could get a place at this..". I quickly thought through my head and remembered, "Lorietta High School".

"Well," said the woman, "You're in luck. Yesterday a girl had to drop out, so you can have that place if you want. Do uou have a parent or guardian with you?"

"No, sorry. I am an orphan"

"Do you not live in a home?" The woman inquired, "You must do!"

"No I don't" I said softly.

I guess the woman was feeling extremely sorry for me, or my Father made her do this, because then she said, "I will adopt you!"

I was so surprised I just stood there. But then I realised this is what I had wanted for when I came to Earth. If I was adopted, it would open new possibilities for how I could get back to Heaven.

"Thank you so much!" I shouted, and ran over to give the woman, my Mother, a hug.

"I will give you a place at this school," the woman told me, in a more business tone than before. "You must run along to the 8th Grade class, where you will find the teacher Mrs Stone".

With one last word of thanks I walked briskly towards my class, feeling one step closer into getting back to heaven. 

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