❄️Chapter 5❄️

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Grusha's POV
Y/N wants me to describe feelings. That's nearly impossible, but I'll try my best.

„When you feel happiness, it's like everything is lighter and it gives you a positive feeling. For example when you get something you've always wanted, you feel happy. Mostly you smile, too. Or when you feel excitement, you're looking forward to something. Sadness is the opposite of happiness. You can probably start crying as well.", I really tried my best explaining it, I hope she understands.

Y/N sat down on her bed. She looked like she was thinking about my explanation.
„Thank you, I think I understand. I just want to know one feeling more: What is it when I like something?", she asked me and pointed next to her to signal I should sit down.
How should I describe that?
„You see, Altaria likes you. She wants to be your friend. Altaria enjoys your company and likes being around you. That's what it's like when you like someone. When you like an object... oh, or your grandmothers food. You said it was good, so you liked it.", I gave her some more examples which are easier to understand.

Grusha's examples were very helpful.
„Thank you. It is late now, it's better when you go home now. Oh, and your examples were really helping me. Could we meet up more often? I think... I enjoy your company, just like Altaria! I also think I like learning about feelings!", I'm looking forward now to meet up with Grusha again, I'm excited...! Even though I don't feel much, it's good knowing what every other person feels.

Grusha's POV
She enjoys my company and wants to meet me more often... How cute! Luckily she starts getting her emotions back already, I didn't think my explanations would help that quick.
„I'll leave now. Do you want to meet up tomorrow? I could pick you up from here at about 01:00 pm.", Y/N nodded and thanked me.
As a goodbye I gave her a head pat, like in the old days. As I did she even started smiling just a little bit. I smiled back, waved and left her room. I also sayed goodbye to Y/N's grandmother and thanked her for the food.
I'm really excited about tomorrow!

*Next day, 01:05*
Oh, I overlooked the time! Grusha's probably already waiting... I ran down the stairs and opened the door.
„I'm sorry you had to wait, Grusha!", I apologized.
„Don't worry about it.", he replied, "Let's go then."

I asked him if he could tell me everything he knows about Paldea. I really want to know more about it since I'm living here again!
„Well, there are 8 gyms and for each of them one gym leader. In Montenevera is also one-
Oh, if you didnt know... I'm a gym leader as well, in Glaseado Mountain."
„So you're famous?", I asked him and looked him in the eyes.
„Just in Paldea... I guess you could say that the majority of the people here know me."
„Exciting!", so I'm hanging around with someone who is popular.
„Anyways... if you win against a gym leader in a Pokemon battle, you'll get a badge. If you got all of them, you're allowed to go to the Pokemon League. There you battle against the champ. If you win you have a champion title."
Even though it sounds exciting, I don't want to battle against other people with my Pokemon...

I wanted to know if there's something else I should know.
„You definitely should know about the Great Crater of Paldea. You mustn't ever go there. It's situated in the centre of Paldea. No one really knows something about it. There's just some things written in books, but it's hard to believe."
„What if I go there?", that rather sounds like something I'd do, sounds like a real adventure.
„I'm not sure. But you shouldn't... It's dangerous down there. Moreover, no one knows what is in that crater and how deep it is.", he answered with concern.

Grusha mentioned that I really seem to be interested in the Great Crater of Paldea. I didn't know what exactly he meant. When he explained what it means, I agreed. I want to know what's down there. However, I'll leave it for now.
„Where are we even going to?", I'm clueless, but Grusha knows for sure.
„We're just taking a walk up the mountain. I like it up there.", he an said looking at me with glistening eyes.
Hmm, I bet on top of the mountain it's cold, but beautiful.
„Do you like the snow?", I wanted to know.

Grusha's POV
If I like the snow? Of course, but...
„Yes I do, but in my opinion it's quite dangerous as well." Y/N asked why I think it's dangerous. She wants to know many things...
„You see, I've been a snowboarder very long. It was always fun when I suddenly had a bad accident and I had bad injuries, I swore to myself that I will never to this sport again.", Y/N went silent for a moment and stared at the snow.
„Did... I say something wrong?", Y/N shook her head and claimed she was just thinking about something different.

Grusha x Reader ❄️✨Feelings like snow✨💫Where stories live. Discover now