Who said citizens can't be saving graces

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Now, most people would wonder how they got to falling out of the sky. Tatum is most people, who is now wondering how they've reached this point in life. Well it started with taking an origins girl flying, that was the first mistake.

Two people and a dragon going shopping, not the most unusual thing the market had seen. Apples, peaches, meats, spices, the pair grabbed everything they could afford, at least one did. The blonde was more or less just getting on the brown and green dragon's nerves. Alice was in the dragon's face, ruffling its frills and cooing at it like one would a baby, this dragon happened to not be a baby but a fully grown adult. The girl was lucky Albatross had a more adaptable temper than her person did, so all she did was huff at the human girl. "Keep getting in her face and she'll bite you Alice." Tatum warned, their arms full of various supplies. The scowl firm on their face did next to nothing to deter the air head. "She wouldn't." Alice swiftly replied as if she raised the dragon herself. While yes, Albatross wouldn't bite any decent person, she wasn't opposed to other forms of violence. "What's it like to ride a dragon?" She quickly questioned cause both the dragon and her rider to stop what they were doing and look at Alice. "It's peaceful, the rush of wind. Oh and when you stop to just free fall for a moment and gravity just hasn't hit you yet. It's magnificent." Tatum rambled off, tension easing from their frame as they reached to fiddle with the top cuff of their earring set. It took moments for their just softened eyes to sharpen once again. "Can I go flying with you?" Alice asked, seeing how the other went from guarded to gentle and now to shocked. "You? Flying? Never thought you were the danger type." Tatum commented side-eyeing the blonde. "I might be." Alice conceded, she held her arms out to offer to carry some of the items bunched up in Tatum's arms. "Alright, I'll take you flying later." Tatum spoke almost proudly, nodding and passing off the less valuable and lighter items to their second traveling partner.

The two returned to their inn room, their shared dragon fed and dinner made. Classic tavern stew, seasoned to as much as 100 gold pieces could afford. With food quickly devoured, stew savored and bread shredded the pair walked out to the short but easily deathly cliff with the violet dragon. "You still up for flying?" Tatum looked at the short who merely nodded despite paleness spreading with her fear. "Yup, total." She squeezed out as if painful but Tatum shrugged. They saddled the dragon and sat in front of the leather so Alice would fit in padded grove. "Last chance." Tatum chimed cheerfully but not waiting for an answer. "Hold on tight Alice!" They called, ordering Albatross into a lift. Alice yelped in surprise, grabbing ahold of the person in front of her. "Okay, this isn't as fun as you said it was." Alice chipped out in an obviously terrified manner. "We haven't gotten to the fun part. Albie, up." They ordered the less than pleased dragon, despite the large lizard's grumps it flew upwards anyways. With each wing flap Alice clenched tighter to the saddle before the amphyll came to a stop. "Why did she stop-" The blonde carefully questioned before seeing how she flipped. With the turn of direction Alice screamed in absolute terror, incidentally spooking Tatum and watching them fall off the slimy dragon. "TATUM!" She screeched in horror. "Alice!" Was the only reply she was in range to hear. "Albie... fetch?" Alice clearly had no idea what to do, just hoping the ocean dragon would know. Luckily for both Tatum and Alice Albatross did as told. She flipped to be right up and dove to catch her original rider.

"I'm never taking you flying again." Tatum declared, safely on the soft grass catching their breath. If looks could kill Alice would be obliterated. "Good, cause I never want to go flying with you again either." Alice shot back, huffing and puffing and calming her nerves from the terrorizing experience.

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