Chapter 2

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"NO," Baekhyun yelled, making his way over to Kris and Suho. "There is no way I'm working with those... those..." Baekhyun simply let out a sigh of frustration. "There isn't even a word to describe how bad those three are."

"Is there not a word?" One of the boys said, his small blue eyes looking over to Baekhyun as he wore a smirk. His hair is dark and short, flipped up so that it wouldn't hang in his face. Many people said that he seemed like a younger version of the tall blonde who stood in the corner, silent and cold most of the time, but when he does talk, it's usually serious or sarcastic. His name was Joon-Soo, but most people just call him Joon. "Or are you just too dumb to think of one?" The comment was enough to make the man try and grab the other, only to be stopped by Chanyeol.

"What would you all know," Chen asked, looking at the three with his arms crossed. "Aren't you like 12?"

"Can't you come up with a better comeback?" another boy mentioned. Unlike the other, he was very bored with the situation, the emotion painted over his face. His hair was a chestnut brown, his bangs showing from under his grey beanie as he looked at the other with a glare, not finding the man amusing. "What are you? 5?" His name was Woo-Hyun, one of the smartest amongst their bunch. Though he isn't a bragger, he never denies that he thinks he's the smartest person in the room, something that quickly got on everyone's nerves.

"You little--"

"What's the point of worrying about them Woo," the third boy said, a genuine smile on his face as he looked at the group. He smiled showing off his small lip piercing as he put his hands through his dark black hair, The boy was bold and stuck out, his cockiness always presents when doing anything. This was Yoon, the resident annoyance of the group. "We won't have to work with them for long, seeing that we'll be able to get this done in 5 days rather than 5 months."

"What is he talking about?" Kyungsoo asked, turning to their leaders. "They're joining this mission with us?"

"No way!" Sehun said. "We've been working on this for so long. We're almost done."

"Boss said we were taking too long alone," Kris explained. "It was either work with them or give them the mission."

"Are we going to just stand here and chatter or are you going to fill us in so we can get this mission over with?" Yoon asked, getting bored. "It's not like you have much of a choice." The men looked at the boys with glares, all of them feeling a similar feeling of disappointment mixed with anger and regret.

"We'll brief in 10 minutes in the projection room," Suho said, watching as the boys walked out of the room together, sending one last smirk to the elders. Once they left, the door shut, letting Baekhyun and Kyungsoo let out groans of anger.

"I can't believe we have to work with them," Baekhyun said.

"They're so arrogant and entitled and such spoiled little brats," Kyungsoo added.

"Whining about it won't change anything," Xiumin said with a sigh. "Might as well just finish the mission as soon as possible so we don't have to deal with them any longer than needed."

"Maybe things won't be so bad," Lay said, trying to stay positive. His friends groaned in response.

"Yeah. Maybe we'll figure out they aren't major assholes, just minor ones."

" Come on guys," Chanyeol said, looking at his friends. "We all know this is just a phase. They're new and haven't actually done anything yet. Of course, they're cocky. They'll wake up soon enough."

"He's right," Chen agreed. "We were all like that at one point or another."

"Some of us are still like that if you ask me," Luhan said under his breath.

"Are you seriously that mad that we came late?" Sehun asked. "We caught the guy so what does it matter?"

"Hey!" Kris said, raising his voice as if he were talking to children. "We aren't having this argument again. Now go to the projection room for the brief." Listening to the other, the 10 men walked out of the room, having small conversations amongst themselves while their two leaders watched.

"Did you really have to yell like that?" Suho asked.

"It's already going to be hard enough keeping them in line with the boys joining, we don't have time for them to be fighting amongst themselves," Kris said.

"We don't have much time for any of this," Suho said. "Like Boss said if we don't get the bust soon..."

"Then we're all in big trouble."


"So," Suho said, standing in the front of the room, Kris beside him as they looked at the 13 people in front of him. "Here's what's happening." The project clicks on, revealing a blue screen with 3 business logos. " There are suspicions that there are embezzlement and extortion amongst these well-known businesses and many others."

"We think they are working together to overpower the business industry and eventually control everything with their power, including buying off state legislators to do what benefits them."

"What we've been trying to do is track down information for low-laying companies that work with these big ones. If anything, we're hoping to get enough information to hack into their mainframe and get the evidence we need. "

"And how close to that are you guys now?" Joon asked.

"With the guy, we were able to capture today," Kris said, in a 'matter-a-fact' tone. "We did."

"A lot of documents, billing reports, but more importantly, we have the man's computer."

"What's next?" Baekhyun asked.

"Xiumin and Woo-Hyun," Kris said. "You all are in charge of hacking into the computer. Try and get as much information as you can out of it."

"Got it," both the males said before sending each other a glare.

"Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Yoon," Suho said, "You all are in charge of the investigation."

"Let's do it quick then," Baekhyun said rolling his eyes,

"Hey," Kris said, looking at everyone. "We don't have time to argue and annoy each other. We're all gonna be working together so get used to it and play nice. You're all dismissed."

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