The full list of the Primordial Greek Gods

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Achlys: the goddess of the eternal night. The first creature that some say existed even before Chaos himself. According to Hesiod, she is the demon of death.
Αether: the god of light. The spark of life for every creature. Etymologically, Aether means the highest and purest layer of air.
Αion: the god of eternity. He was a ghostly primordial deity who personified the meaning of time (sometimes he is confused with god Chronos). In Greek, Aion means "century". Although incorporeal, he was also portrayed as a monster with a snake body and three heads: one human (male), one bull and one lion. According to a myth, Aion and his companion, Ananke (also with a snake body), wrapped themselves around the cosmic egg and broke it to form the "sorted" Universe (earth - sky - sea).
Ananke: the goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity. She was an inevitable divine force.
Chaos: the god of the void. He was the beginning of all life. According to most versions of Greek myths, Chaos pre-existed all.
Chronos: the god of time. Not to be confused with Aion (god of eternity) or Cronus (the Titan that we will meet later).
Erebus: the god of darkness and shadow. He symbolizes the silence and the depth of the night together with his sister, the goddess Nyx. He is usually represented as a winged, dark and huge being, a duo with Nyx.
Eros: the god of love and procreation. Not to be confused with Eros, the winged god of desire that we will meet later.
Gaia: the goddess of the earth (Mother Earth). She is the mother of all - the primeval mother. At a cosmogenic level, she symbolizes the material side of the Universe whereas Chaos symbolizes the space of the Universe. Eros symbolizes the driving force that unites everything, giving birth to the rest.
Hemera: the goddess of day.
Hypnos: the god of sleep and father of Morpheus.
Nemesis: the goddess of retribution.
Nesoi: the goddesses of islands.
Nyx: the goddess of night. She was a sovereign, primordial and cosmogenic entity, respected and feared by most gods. She is the sister of Erebus, the god of darkness and shadow.
Ourea: the gods of mountains.
Pontus: the god of the sea and father of the sea creatures.
Tartarus: the god of the darkest and deepest part of the Underworld - the original god of the Underworld. The Underworld was the place where the wicked are imprisoned and tortured eternally after their death.
Thalassa: the goddess of the sea and consort of god Pontus.
Thanatos: the god of death. He is the twin brother of Hypnos (god of sleep) and lives in the dark Tartarus.
Uranus: the god of the heavens. He soon became ruler of the world and father of the Titans.

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