The One-sided Love Story of Pan and Syrinx

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Pan was the god of fertility and the patron of shepherds and huntsmen in Greek Mythology; he presided over all rural occupations, he was chief of the Satyrs and head of all rural divinities. According to the common belief, he was the son of Hermes and a wood nymph, and came into the world with horns sprouting from his forehead, a goat's beard and a crooked nose, pointed ears, and the tail and feet of a goat. He had such a repulsive appearance that, at the sight of him, his mother fled in dismay. Hermes, however, took up his curious little offspring, wrapped him in a hare skin, and carried him in his arms to Olympus. The grotesque form and the merry antics of the little Pan made him a great favorite with all the immortals, especially Dionysus; and they bestowed upon him the name of Pan (meaning "all" in Greek) because he had delighted them all. Pan's life was defined by his relationships with the Nymphs. He loved them deeply, he was dancing and playing music with them, and some of them loved him too; others hated him and were running away from him... very complicated relationships indeed... And his mother issues appeared soon enough. The spirit of the reed tree comes from a nymph. Her name was Syrinx. Pan was the one to cause her doom. He was in love with her and wanted her at any cost! He was chasing after her trying to make her his! So, in order to escape him, she transformed herself into a reed tree. She hid by the river among the other reeds but Pan would not stop there. He went down to the river and started ripping off every reed until he finally found her. He ripped her off the ground and started blowing into the pipes to get her spirit out. While he was blowing, he realized that beautiful sounds were coming out of the reed pipes. He decided to bind them together into a big flute and started making music out of them. Oh, and what beautiful music he made! From then on, he would never leave his flute and he would always play for the other nymphs to dance...

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