chapter six

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CHAPTER SIX[🪷] ᵖʳᵒᵐⁱˢᵉ

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[🪷] ᵖʳᵒᵐⁱˢᵉ

Both Seyra and Tsireya were home alone the next day. It was the middle of the day and everyone else had gone off to hunt. "What? You kissed!" Tsireya whispers in an exciting voice. Seyra had just spilled the beans on the kiss after Tsireya bugged her about it most of the day. "Yes, but don't tell anyone. To be honest, I'm not sure if Tonowari likes Lo'ak anymore. If Aonung finds out he'll be sure to tell him and Aonung knows... everything." Seyra pleads with Tsireya and she nods in agreement.

"So, what was it like?" Tsireya asks in a peppy voice, scooting closer to Seyra. "It wasn't anything big. Just... a kiss." Seyra replies simply, cutting up from fruit for the two of them to have as a snack. "Now what does that even mean?" Tsireya pressed and Seyra rolled her eyes at her. "It was quick." She shrugged, not really knowing to describe exactly what happened. She wasn't an expert on kisses, it was her first after all. She couldn't rate it or score it. However, if she had to, it would be a 10 out of 10.

"Do you not remember it?" Tsireya asked her, wanting to know. Seyra shook her head and replied, "All I remember is my heart exploding." Seyra said cheekily and Tsireya giggled loudly. "Did it go furthu—" Before Tsireya could ask her last question, Seyra shoved a piece of fruit in her cousin's mouth.

"No, and that's enough." She said firmly. Tsireya nodded her head before chewing on the fruit. Seyra picked up a piece of fruit before taking a bite. She quickly pulled it out of her mouth before making a grimace face. "It's sour." She whispered and Tsireya nodded her head. Seyra shook her head in disgust before picking up a basket.

Seyra moved the fruit into a basket before picking up another. She went to cut it before Tsireya grabbed the knife urgently. "What are you doing? I can do it." Seyra said confusing. She went to grab her knife back but Tsireya moved her body against hers, knocking her out of her seat. "I got this. How about you go for a swim?" Tsireya smiled, nodding her head at the entrance.

There stands Lo'ak looking down at Seyra with a slight smile. "Okay." Seyra whispered excitedly, standing up and walking towards Lo'ak. "Going for a swim?" Lo'ak asked and Seyra nodded, playing along. "Me too. What a coincidence." He replies as they walk toward the beach.

At the beach, Lo'ak reaches in his pocket and stops Seyra. He stands in front of her and she just looks at him. "What?" She chirps, looking at his hands.

"I got something for you." He says before reaching deeper into his knife pocket. He pulls out a couple of shells and shows them to Seyra. Each of one being an unique shape and color. Seyra looks at Lo'ak with a smile. "I saw them the other day and I thought of you. I thought you could add them to your necklace." He explains thoughtfully, looking down at Seyra's neck. Seyra reaches up and grabs her necklace. It was filled with shells she collected over the years and a gem in the center of the necklace, wrapped with sea grass.

"I never knew you noticed." Seyra sighs with soft chuckle. "Of course, I did." He whispers. It was like Lo'ak was actually touching her heart the way it pounded at his gesture. She picks up her hand, grabbing the shells from Lo'ak before putting it into her pocket. Seyra felt small sparks pop in her finger tips as their hands touched. "I'll make sure to add them on. Thank you, Lo'ak." She replies softly. She could feel her cheeks heat up as Lo'ak continued to look down on her, he was always one to stare. She noticed rather quickly.

"Lo'ak. What did your dad say after you guys left yesterday?" Seyra quickly changes the subject wanting to steer the topic away from herself. Lo'ak takes a deep breath before shaking his head. "To be completely honest, I forgot. He was lecturing me for a long time so I started to tune him out." Lo'ak answers her honestly and she sighs. "It was that bad?" She responds sadly. Lo'ak just nods and Seyra goes to start walking again, he follows.

Seyra suddenly remembers what she was thinking about the night before. She had went to bed trying to formulate ways to bring Lo'ak's spirits up again. She had remembered her very old 'hide-out'. One she discovered when she was little.

"Lo'ak. I wanted to show you this place. I discovered it when my mother first passed. I visited almost everyday but now I only go for... special occasions." Seyra says, going towards the water and calling her ilu quickly. "I think you'll find it useful." She beams. Despite her efforts, Seyra knew Lo'ak heart was breaking more and more each day from his father. He just wanted his love and he felt like he wasn't getting it. Seyra wishes she could give Jake a piece of her mind but she realizes she isn't a parent. There are some things she just doesn't understand.

"Why are you just standing there?" Seyra looks back at Lo'ak, waiting for him to get behind her. Lo'ak snaps out of his daze and quickly climbs behind Seyra, holding on her waist and putting his head on her shoulder. Seyra felt like she was crushing gender roles with how she made Lo'ak sit behind her. Typically, the girls would ride on the back of the ilu. Seyra smirked to herself, she felt just a little powerful.

Star quickly jumps into the water excitedly. He was always so lively and Seyra loved him for it. After a few minutes of swimming, they arrive at a cove. Large boulders make up the secluded area while mossy plants sit on the rocks. The rocky sand filters the water, making it almost translucent. They both get off of the ilu before walking towards the rocks. Lo'ak looks down at his feet, eyeing the water with wonder. Usually, the water had a light blue tint to it. However, with this water, it was simply clear.

"Beautiful, yeah?" Seyra looks back at him and he nods his head rapidly. "I think I'm the only know who knows about this place. I could be wrong though." Seyra shrugs before looking at Star. He was splashing and making happy noises as he swims in the water. This made Seyra smile slightly. She was always grateful Star chose her that day when she was first choosing ilu. They both make eye contact before Seyra nods her head towards the sea, politely telling Star to leave them alone. Star obeys and swims off, probably to hunt for a snack.

Seyra sits down the rocks, the heat warms up her skin soothingly and she sighs softly. She puts her hands behind her and tilts her head back, letting it fall on her shoulders. "It's very therapeutic." She whispers, her voice very light and airy. Lo'ak takes a seat next to her and they both watch the waves crash and crumble.

After a few silent moments, Lo'ak looks at Seyra. "Thank you for bringing me here." He whispers. Seyra looks up and nods before she feels something hit her in the eye. She quickly ducks her head and puts a hand on her eye. "I think something fell into my eye." Seyra states as she begins to rub it. She feels nothing and looks up at Lo'ak confused.

"Yeah, it's raining." Lo'ak said with a dry chuckle before she could ask any questions. Soon more and more drops are hitting their skin and the rocks below them. "Let's go." Lo'ak gets up, offering a hand to Seyra. She takes it and he helps her get onto her feet.

"Lo'ak. Feel free to come here whenever you need to think. Let's just keep this place between you and me. Alright?" Seyra smiles before calling for Star. Lo'ak nods his head and stands in front of Seyra.

"Promise?" Lo'ak tilts his head down at her before extending his pinky finger towards her. Seyra looks at him confused and he just laughs. He realized she didn't have a pinky nor did she know what a pinky promise was. He grabs Seyra's hand and wraps her pointer finger around his smallest one, locking in their sacred vow.


author's note
thanks so much for all the love <3
it's really appreciated

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