chapter eight

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[🌙] ˡⁱᶠᵉ

Seyra looks below at the water and sees the bright light of one of the pods. "It's coming." Seyra says urgently, looking at the two. Lo'ak nods his head and looks at Tuk. "We gotta go." He says loudly, taking a big breath of air before going back into the water. They start to swim away from the plant and the pod follows them. The bright light shines on their bodies as they try to get away.

After a few moments, Seyra feels netting around her skin. She looks around to see the pod has captured her and Tuk. "Guess luck will only get you so far." Seyra thinks. Tuk whimpers and tries to claw out of the net and Seyra holds her shoulders. "Be calm." She signs to Tuk and Tuk stops moving so frantically.

"Your parents will be here to save us soon." Seyra added. She starts to find an opening to the net before someone comes and scoops them up from the water, closing the net completely. Lo'ak grabs onto the net, trying to claw away at the material. The ikran carries them above water into the air and Lo'ak is hanging onto the net firmly, trying to release Seyra and his sister.

He grabs his knife in attempt to cut it but nothing works. "Lo'ak! Just let go. Leave us." Seyra yells but Lo'ak doesn't listen. Lo'ak still has a chance to get away before they take them to the ship. "I'll take care of Tuk, don't worry." She adds and Lo'ak shakes his head. "No, I'm not leaving you." He replies, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

Now, he couldn't leave if he wanted to because the ikran lands on the ship. Seyra, Tuk, and Lo'ak in it's possession. Many Na'vi surround them with guns and padded clothing. Seyra looks at them with a weird expression, their clothing confusing her. Lo'ak faces one of the men with his knife, hissing.

"Drop the weapon." One says. Lo'ak doesn't listen. He tries to slash the man with his knife but his arm ends up getting pulled. He's pushed to the ground and held there. Seyra and Tuk climb out of the net and the soldiers point their guns closer. "Get down!" A female yells. Tuk hisses and points her knife at her but it gets knocked out of her hand immediately. A tall solider grabs Seyra roughly by her arm, some of her hair getting pulled unintentionally. "My hair." She whines and the solider just scoffs. "Shut up." He says firmly and Seyra frowns.

"Cuff them to the rail. All 'em." A voice says and all of the soldiers obey. "He must be their chief." Seyra thinks. The solider pulls Seyra to the edge of the ship, cuffing her arm on the rail. Seyra sighs and lays her head on the rail. "Great." Lo'ak says sarcastically in a deep voice.

Seyra hears the calls of her people and she whips her head up. The small army slowly swims towards the large ship, stopping to approach the situation carefully. "Dad!" Tuk says excitedly, seeing him next to Tonowari. Seyra smiles and sighs, grateful they came quickly. The same man who gave orders walks up to Lo'ak, tearing his communicator off his neck and putting Lo'ak ear piece in his ear.

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