Chapter Twenty-Two

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Tuesday, 1st February 2022

"Thanks again." Eloise shoots the driver another smile as she bundles awkwardly out of the black cab.

Stepping down cautiously in her high heels, she stretches over a storm drain at the curb. The drizzly rain has stopped, but she knows to tread carefully over the slick cobbles and uneven pavement. Without a proper coat, she shivers in the damp night.

Clocking a group of braying young women smoking by the door to the restaurant, she dips her head. But, just a fraction too late, she catches the tell-tale hush and then excited tittering.

"It's her! Look!" one hisses to her friends.

"About time," one replies even less subtly. "I wouldn't leave a man like that waiting."

Wincing, already feeling bad enough, Eloise keeps her head down as she hurries past.

After a morning of eager visitors stopping by and endless calls with birthday wishes, Harry spent the afternoon golfing with Jeff and Tommy.

Leaving the twins with Nina, Eloise had to head into central London for a couple of meetings.

The last one ran late - very late. And then traffic saw the cab's meter quickly totting up, as what should have been a half-hour journey east to Spitalfields Market ended up closer to fifty minutes.

It's now after eight o'clock, and she hates being late - especially for Harry.

Bundling into St. John's Bread and Wine, she sighs in relief before serving up a smile for the host waiting inside the door. "Hi! I'm late, but it's a big group booking..." She falters, considering the potential names and aliases the reservation could be under. As a rule - keen to avoid becoming an entitled arsehole - she never assumes anyone knows who she is. "Perhaps under the name Emma or Luis?"

Looking around, trying to spot them, she misses the host's warm smile. "Of course, Mrs Styles. Let me show you the way... Can I take your jacket?"

"I'll keep it on me, thanks." She follows him, weaving through the restaurant to a big table by the blackboards and bakery hatch at the back. The flickering candlelight softens all the stark white and dark wood of the lofty space.

There's a raucous squeal as they approach. "There she is - finally! Hi, Gorgeous!" Jumping up from his seat at one end of the long table, Harry Lambert waves his arms unnecessarily. His cheeks are tellingly pink already.

As she steps out of his hug, he spins her in a twirl - appreciatively scanning her outfit as she blows kisses to Antonio, Harris, Alessandro, and Vanni. Reaching Molly, she pauses to peek at six-month-old Georgie, sleeping soundly in her pushchair just behind her.

Scanning down both sides of the long wooden table - waving and grinning at Tom, Pauli, Tommy, Jeff, and Glenne - she eventually lands on Harry, getting up from where he's positioned near the middle, with his back to the restaurant.

Clocking the empty seat saved next to him has her nose scrunching. Shit, he's cute.

Beaming, she throws her arms around his neck as soon as he stands straight. Greeting him with an eager smooch elicits a round of cooing and cheering.

Keeping close, both grinning, he nuzzles her nose with his. "Mmm, hi!"

"Sorry, I'm late." She pecks him again in apology.

"I was starting to get a bit worried," he admits lowly, palming the silk at her hip. "Everything okay?"

Melting into his embrace, reassured by his warmth and gentle caress, she takes a deep breath and resolves not to mention anything just yet... Instead, she makes a mental note to give Jeff a heads up on the chaos to come. But it can wait until after Glenne's birthday tomorrow, too.

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