Chapter Twenty-Three

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Tuesday, 15th February 2022

The dip of the mattress as he shifts precedes it.

"Are you awake?" he whispers, voice low and gravelly.

Laying on her side, Eloise stays quiet. Her eyes are locked on his card - still on her nightstand after opening it yesterday morning... Why does it feel like it's taunting her?

Irreverent Harry at his best, even featuring red hearts and cartoon animals - and slightly phallic-looking ones, at that. 'Earthworms have five hearts. If I were an earthworm, I'd love you with all of them. Snakes have two willies. Let's not go there...'

If only... She has to rein in a huff.

"I know you're awake... And I know I'm an arsehole. But a sorry one." Shifting closer, he braves pressing a whisper of a kiss to her bare shoulder, testing the waters. "I'm really sorry, Baby."

"For what?" Her voice is soft but level - for now.

His shaky exhale tickles where he'd kissed her. Sweeping her hair aside, he presses another to the nape of her neck. "All of it." Clocking her lean ever so slightly forward, away from him, he ups the ante. "For being distracted. For not having gone to more effort. For not ignoring that bloody woman and taking the bait. For letting it ruin my mood and the mood."

At least he gets it... With a sigh and a wince, and a pained intake of breath, she nudges him to be able to roll on to her back. Lolling her head on her pillow, she looks up at where he remains on his side.

He gave her a card, to be fair.

She had one for him, too. Plus one each from their adorable little cherubs. And she surprised him with matching white onesies for them, covered with a repeating red heart print. Knowing he'd love it, she had also tracked down a vintage ring for him.

But he then just leapt out of bed, straight into a day of meetings - playing catch up after having been tied up for a few days, shooting the music video for Late Night Talking.

A bouquet of roses was delivered at lunchtime by a local florist. When she signed for them, Eloise noticed the receipt said the order had been placed that morning. And by Luis.

Harry surprised her later, telling her to get dressed up. A car whisked them to Soho House, but the restaurant was full. They just had a drink at a little table in the bar. He'd had to field a few messages and then a call with Rob Stringer from New York. Sixth sense as attuned as ever, he noticed someone surreptitiously taking photos. He complained to a waiter, but when he caught them again, he marched over there himself to remind them of the privacy policy and ask them to delete them. His mood never recovered.

Back home again, earlier than intended, she tried to remind herself that he's busy and stressed. And that his dogged "you go without, I go without" stance is sweet, protective, and caring. But his rejection stung all the more, knowing he'd recently been lounging in bed with scantily clad models... Facing away from each other, a strained silence permeated the darkness before they eventually fell asleep.

With a loaded sigh, she shifts her hands out from under the duvet and rubs her face.

His gaze remains intent, flitting over her features. "I really am sorry." He leans forward, nuzzling his nose to her cheek, hesitant but hopeful.

She knows he's under pressure. It wasn't a total walkover, but that Barbara meeting had him on the back foot. And he hates not feeling in control. His team has almost finished reworking the final album release schedule to free up time for Bond promo. He'll be flat out throughout April and May, and it's already ramping up in preparation. It's all looming large and faintly ominous... Eloise keeps reminding herself that he acquiesced and cowed to Babs for her benefit, too - not that she asked him to, but still.

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