part 3

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I wake up 2 hours after that horrible nightmare it wasn't even about me why am I so mad? I get up and do my skincare and hair I put my hair with 2 pieces in the front and 2 braids on the side.

(this the fit change if you want)You eat some cereal and say goodbye love you to your mom and walk to school as usual

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(this the fit change if you want)
You eat some cereal and say goodbye love you to your mom and walk to school as usual. You see Julie and robin talking and hope he doesn't confess. He walks away from her towards me smiling at me.

"Hey yn!" Robin says

"Hi what's up?" I ask

"Well she's dating jacob so good thing I didn't ask her out and I stopped liking her because first off she's taken second of all she treats you bad and i don't wanna be with some one that's gonna treat me 'bestie for the restie' like that." He says mocking the popular girls when says bestie for the restie.

"Thank you Robin even tho her and Jacob are gonna last a week like all her relationships."

"Have they dated before?"

"Yes many many many many times."

"Who knew Jacob pulls."

"I mean he's my ex.."

"Girl wtf you can do way better thats crazy."

"You liked Julie"

"Touché puta."

"2 different languages in one sentence?"

"Im just so cool like that." He says mockingly

"Ikr like I could never omg." I say mockingly back

We go to class and sit next to each other throwing shit at each other and fucking around with each other then the class ends and it's the end of the day Im about to leave with Robin but then the teacher Mr. Shaw asks us to stay after class and we do cause we're not disrespecting a teacher for no reason. Everyone leaves and me and Robin walk up to Mr. Shaw side eyeing each other.

"So you guys were talking my whole period this needs to stop or consequences will come."

"Not happening you don't even teach us anything didn't you never pass 9th grade how are you a science teacher?" I ask

"Excuse me young lady!" Mr. Shaw says

"School hours are over so I don't have to call you Mr.Shaw, Albert." I say

"just go home now leave you kids have no respect these days!" He shouts

"Gladly." Me and Robin say and walk out of there

We walk out of the building and start walking home when we both get hit by a baseball bat getting knocked out. We both wake up in a basement.

"Where the fuck are we?" I ask

"In a basement dumbass."

"No fucking shit."

"You asked."

"I'm asking who's basement!"

"Well how was I supposed to know?"

"Ok whatever im gonna try to find a way out."

"Good luck."

I roll my eyes at his negativity and see a vent thing over a window and I jump up to it and try to rip it off and it doesn't work so I get a wire and put it through the vents and pull it and it comes out clean but i end up falling backwards with the vent in my hands.

"Fucking hell"

"Are you ok?" He rushes over to you

"I'm fine I just need to open that window."


"Gotta look around."

I start looking around for something to bust the window open with and I grab the toilet lid and throw it at the window and the glass shatters.

"Yes!" I whisper-shout

"Holy shit you actually did it!"

"Ok so how do we get out?"

"Give me a boost and I'll pull you up."

He puts his hand out and I step onto it and jump to the window and push my way out I put my hands out for robin and pull him up too.

"We've only been in there for a day and we already escaped." Robin says

"Now we have to find our way home."

We both hear the door open to the basement and run as fast as we can to our houses. We turn on our street and my mom usually leaves the door unlocked so I run there and bring Robin in there and lock it and lock all the windows and the back door.

"They was fucking scary." I say

"We should have killed him."

"Maybe next time."

"Next time?"

"Not literally but yk"


You peak out the window and see the abracadabra van outside looking like it's waiting for robin to leave.

"You can't leave tonight" I say to Robin


"He's waiting."

"Fucking creep."

"Ok well do you wanna take a shower?"

"I don't have any clothes."

"My brothers do."

"Ok then yea."

"Ok I'll show you how to use the water."

You walk up to the bathroom with him and show him how to use it you get out of the bathroom so he can get in the shower. I go into my brothers room and get a black sweatshirt and black and white plaid pj pants and a towel. I go to the bathroom and knock on the door.

"Come in" robin says

"Here are clothes and a towel."


I grab his dirty clothes and walk back out and put them in the washer and get my stuff together to shower for when he's out. I wait for him to get out when my door opens and his hair is wet not dripping wet though my brothers clothes a little big on him but it's cute.

"Aw you look cute in my brothers clothes."

"There a little big."

"I can tell but you can wear mine if you would like." I say being sarcastic at the end

"I'm good." He sits on my bed

"Ok imma get into the shower now brb!" I walk out with all my stuff and get into the shower

Once I'm out the shower I do my skincare and get dressed and blow dry my hair/wrap it up (wtv u want.) I walk back into my room seeing Robin reading a book.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask Robin

"Sure. What movie?"

"Texas chainsaw massacre?"

"yes! I love that movie so much!"

"I know" I say as I turn on the movie

After about 45 mins into the movie I feel arms wrap around my waist and a head in the crook of my neck. I look over to see Robin sleeping. I decide to go to sleep too.

this chapter took a little long to write
1085 words

we are in this together // robin Arellano x yn //Where stories live. Discover now