part 8

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I feel someone pick me up lightly in my sleep I get a bad feeling but I ignore it thinking it was Robin. I wake up when I'm thrown into something. I look around and im on a dirty mattress with a black phone on the wall and a patch of dirt in the corner.. not again. I see a girl version of the grabber staring at me with hatred.

"You killed my brother!" The girl grabber says

"He killed all of my friends!" I yell back at her

"He should've killed you too." She says

"He tried" you laugh
"Took him three tries he should've just left me be he chose his own fate." I say

"Well I'm gonna take one try and then you will be with him in hell!" She says and then goes upstairs
I look around to find anything to defend myself with and I grab the phone.

She comes downstairs with a knife. I start thinking about the fight that me and Robin had, tears come to my eyes and I can't control myself but to drop the phone and slide down the wall as she walks closer.

"Fine. You win just kill me." I say with tears falling down my face.
"But just know karma is real." I say

"Your to easy." She says

"What are you talking about?"

"Well I didn't know you were one to let death come to you.. over a boy."


"Hm what was his name? Oh that's right Robin."

"I don't know a robin!"

"Right it's not like you guys didn't get in a fight earlier."

"How did you know about that?"

"I'm smarter than my brother I have my targets and I have to know every detail. I'm not gonna kidnap someone that can kill me. He was dumb."

"Your a creep."

"I would watch how your talking to me."

"Your whole family is probably whores."

"Do not speak of my family like that."

"Your brother was ugly."

"Wish I could say the same about you."

"I'm not ugly?"

"Kinda cute actually."


"Like my whole family wasn't."

"You just told me not to speak of them like that."

"Yea but it's fine if I do it not you."

"Whatever just kill me."

"What's the fun in that?"

"Ok then get out."

"Why so you can try to escape? Not happening."

"So your just gonna keep me in here forever?"

"Not exactly I'll wait til time is right."

"Ok than I'll take the first step." I say as I grab the phone and smash it into my head ten times and I kill myself right then and there. Everything goes black and I wake up.. but.. I'm not dead? Instead I'm in my room.

"What the fuck" I get up and go into the bathroom I splash some water on my face and I dry my face with a towel when I move the towel I see blood on it I look in the mirror and my forehead has a scratch on it and it's bleeding. I get a band aid and put it on there. I'm about to call Gwen, Robin, and Finney but then I remember that Robin is mad. I try to call gwen and finney but my phone is not working I check out the cord and it's cut. I walk to Gwen's house and as I'm approaching it I see the girl in my dream walking on the sidewalk with a stroller in her hands. I start banging on the door and Gwen opens it quickly.

we are in this together // robin Arellano x yn //Where stories live. Discover now