Chapter 28: Desperation....

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—Somewhere In Hueco Mundo—

The winds whistled over the silver sand dunes, breaking the otherwise dead silence of the world of eternal midnight..  Standing atop one of these massive dunes, are Barragan and Y/N.  They both looked out over the vast expanse, neither of them having said a word since they left the fortress of Las Noches..  Barragan glances over at Y/N first, but he doesn't receive one in return..  Instead, Y/N kept his eyes forward..

Barragan: "... I assume your training with Starrk went well.  That must mean you have control over your Hollow powers now, is that correct?."

Y/N: "... I do....." After a few seconds, the winds whistle over them, breaking the silence between them..

Barragan: ".. Good.  Then that means you will be able to complete the final portion of your training." Y/N, who is slightly surprised, finally glances over at the old Hollow, but turns his eyes away once he sees the Old King's gaze is still on him... "... I see..  So you've finally remembered have you?"  Y/N still can't look up at him.. "I was beginning to wonder if you were simply playing it off, or if you had truly forgotten.." Y/N wasn't sure, but he could have sworn that Barragan's tone was a bit somber..

Y/N: "I... I don't know how, or even why.. but... I think some kind of.. black substance was blocking my memories....  I've had these gaps in my memory for as long as I can, well, remember.  But ever since I've been using my Hollows' power, I've been coughing up that black substance and having these dreams, or I guess they're memories..  of when I was a child...  And....-" He finally looks up at Barragan, "-they're mostly of my time with you.."

Barragan uncrosses his arms, still looking at Y/N..  He then looks towards the desert, extending his arm away from the distant castle.  Y/N seems bewildered, unsure of what the Old King is about to do..

Barragan: "... Watch closely." Spiritual energy rapidly begins to build up in his hand, but something was different...  The unmistakable signs of a cero being formed in his palm were obvious, but the size and what can best be described as "density" of the attack was different..  Then, with his other hand, he bites into one of his own fingers, drawing blood.  He then holds that finger over the growing cero, allowing a single drop to fall into it..  Once it does.. the red within the cero darkens and begins to swirl madly as it causes a gust of wind to kick up around it.

Barragan: "This is known as a Gran Rey Cero." Y/N stares in utter bewilderment at the awesome power of the Old King..  "My own technique, my gift to all Hollows.-"

"-And it is one of the most powerful attacks anyone has ever wielded."

In an instant, an insanely massive blast of red Hollow energy erupts from Barragans palm, throwing sand around him so rapidly that it could cut right through entire buildings....  When it finally died down, Y/N looked in the distance in the direction of where it was fired.  After a moment or two, an incomprehensibly brilliant red light breaks from the very horizon of Hueco Mundo and shoots into the sky..  At the same time, what feels like a powerful earthquake shakes the ground they were standing on, causing Y/N to fly up a bit, while Barragan calmly floated up to the same level as Y/N..  Suddenly, Y/N notices something coming over the horizon..

Y/N: "Is.. is that.. sand?.."

Barragan: "We may want to rase ourselves higher."  He begins to do so, with Y/N soon following him.  After a few seconds the tsunami of sand races passed them and just under their feet..

Y/N: *still shocked* "You could've destroyed all of Las Noches with that attack.." He looks at his own hand, 'My ceros don't even come close to this kind if power....  If he couldn't beat Aizen, even with that kind of power... then...'

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