Chapter 15- Trying To Set Things Right...

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It was pitch black..

Y/N couldn't see anything around him..

He couldn't hear anything around him...

He couldn't feel anything around him...

Y/N: "Wh-where... am I?...." His voice seems to echo as if it were in an endless void.. "Am I...-" the sound of soft rain begins to grow at a snails pace from the previous nothingness.. "-dead?..."

The low rumble of thunder rolls at an unknown distance as, for the first time, Y/N finally feels one of the countless drops of rain that had been falling down on him for however long he had been there..

.. He knew this place...

????? "M...master..."

Y/N's eyes shot open upon hearing the familiarly distorted voice... He realized where he was as soon as he saw rain falling down on him coupled with darkish grey clouds in every direction. His eyes lose their intensity in a matter of moments, leaving a dull look sitting on his face.

Y/N: "Oh... That's right..... I lost again.."

????: "And yet..." Y/N sits up and looks at his "Zanpakto Spirit" with no change in his expression.

Y/N: "And yet what?." The cloaked figure seems to tilt it's head, as if it was curious or even thinking about something..

????: "You are... you...."

Y/N: "Well ya, of course I'm me. Who else would I be?"

????: "Hmmm......"

The hooded figure begins to make strange noises like it had not so long ago...

????: "I.. see.... We... see that... we.... we warned-"


Y/N's eyes widen as for just a moment before anger takes him over..

Y/N: "HEY!!" It suddenly freezes in place, not moving an inch... "Stop with that freaky cracking shit will ya?? It's seriously creeping me out!"

For a few moments, there's an eery silence..

????: ".... Hmm.. w-.. I see..."

The figure cracks itself back into it's "normal" position again...

????: "Forgive me... master.... W-... I... was merely thinking of.. s-something..."

Y/N: *sighs* "Whatever... Honestly, I've basically given up trying to figure out just what the hell you are anyways.."

????: "You seem... distressed.. master.. w-...what is the.. matter?...." Y/N looks over at the creature, seemingly unsure if he really wanted to talk to it or not..

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