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If I fall will you be there to catch me?

No...because I'll be falling with you.

So then...together?


Because I may not know much but what
I do know is that I love you too much.

...did you just quote "The Book Of Life" at me?

Shut up you're ruining the moment.


Lay Talay Sanguandikul asKenma Yukimura || The Fox

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Lay Talay Sanguandikul as
Kenma Yukimura || The Fox

If Vampires were real I would totally let
Stefan Salvatore break my back...what? He's hot ok!

Dylan Sprayberry asLiam Dunbar || The Hound

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Dylan Sprayberry as
Liam Dunbar || The Hound

For someone who fails English you sure do
read a lot...wait. Is that my shirt?

The rest of the cast as themselves

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The rest of the cast as themselves

The Fox and The Hound || l. dunbar (on hiatus!!!)Where stories live. Discover now