Acts of sexual innuendos

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A/N: I've decided that for Japanese I'm just make it italics sense it's easier then translating each sentence

The party was in full swing up at the Martin's lake house as Kenma was still sleeping, Liam was unconscious, but Scott and Kira were still awake in the boat house. Earlier Scott had gently picked up the small two tailed fox and moved him to where he was lying on top of tarps that had been set out, kind of like a makeshift bed.

Scott had torn his gaze away from the female Kitsune and looked towards the lake house. The music wasn't too loud to the point that Kira and Kenma could hear it but Scott could.

"What?" Kira asked the alpha.

"I can hear the music from the house." Scott said to the female Kitsune.

"What are they playing?" The Japanese girl asked.

"Electronic." Scott answered.

"I wish they still played slow songs at parties. At our old school we used to at least have a few." Kira said softly.

"Why do you like the slow ones?" Scott wanted to know.

"I was always better at slow dancing." Kira said with a slight chuckle.

"Come here." Scott said as he stood up from his spot on the floor.

Kira followed him to the edge of the water as the alpha took out his phone from his pocket. He pressed the music app as a slow song started before a thought popped into his head.

"This won't wake up Ken will it?" He asked, knowing that Kenma was an insomniac and didn't sleep much.

"No it shouldn't, the only things he wakes up for is coffee and Paul Wesley." Kira responded with a light giggle remembering her brother's antics.

Scott set his phone down on one of the poles out side before extending his hand to Kira.

"What about him?" She asked, referring to Liam who was tied to a beam.

"If he wakes up, he can dance with Kenma." Scott said with a slight smirk.

Kira said nothing as she giggled and the two began swaying to the music and making conversation.

"So how are you so good at staying in control on a full moon?" Kira asked.

"A lot of it's about making sure my pulse doesn't get too fast and my heart rate doesn't go up." Scott answered truthfully.

"So you've mastered it?" The girl asked the alpha.

"It still takes a lot of concentration." Scott said in a low voice.

"So if something distracts you..." Kira trailed off as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm indistractable." The alpha said confidently.

Kira and Scott started to lean in and they captured each other's lips in a kiss. They failed to notice however that Kenma had woken up from his slumber and was curled up still in fox form. The female Kitsune and alpha pulled away from the kiss as Scott playfully shook his head.

That only caused Kira to start to nibble on his ear, which definitely seemed to get a reaction out of him. Kenma seriously debating trying to go back to sleep or reminding them that no pornos are to be done in front of children.

"Nothing." Scott said as Kira looked him in the eye.

"Then why are your eyes glowing?" She asked with a smile.

"Because he's remembering that children shouldn't be around such acts of sexual innuendos." Kenma said to the two after he shifted back to human form.

Scott squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as he and Kira turned around to meet the onyx gaze of the 100 year old Kitsune.

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