Chapter Five

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(Nats pov)

As I walk back into the room, Alina is sitting on the stiff bed waiting for me to give her an answer. Sadly, it's not an answer she's going to like.

"Alina, your father wants you to stay with me."
I say, not completely lying but trying to ignore the topic of our over-the-phone screaming session.

Her eyes shoot open rapidly, she's wracking her brain for any information about why he made this decision. Then her expression turns into anger. She clenched her jaw and looks like she was about to explode.

"Fucking Christ!" She screams, punching the wall and making a fist-sized hole. My breath hitches in my throat, and I hesitate to go and stop her, but that wouldn't do either of us any good. She starts...crying? She breaks down on the cell's metal floor and starts banging her head against the bars. This time I run towards her and the door sensor opens for me.

"No baby. Don't do that. You're going to hurt yourself," I say while gently pulling her head away and holding it in my hands.

"No! Don't touch me you monster!"
She screams in shock, fighting to get out of my grip.

Eventually, she stops fighting me once she realizes she won't win and calms down. Letting her body go limp in my hold.

"Mama! Why couldn't I just have had a normal childhood? Why me!" She cries.

I started to cry. Mama? Where did that come from?

Snapping myself out of the trance I was in,
"Shh, my love. It's all going to be okay."
I say, wiping my tears to stay strong for her.

I stroke her hair and continue to comfort her until her breathing has slowed and she falls asleep.

I slowly pick her up and carry her to the elevator and press the buttons leading up to my floor. She's very light and skinny but has muscle on her shoulders. Moving her hair out of her face, I study her. She truly is my twin. Yes, her hair is red but slightly darker and has a brownish tint to it. Her nose is small and her face has little freckles surrounding her cheeks and eyes. When she sleeps, she looks so calm.

When she was a baby, she loved to sleep. No matter the time of the day, she would be willing to take a nap.


"mama! Look at my drawing!" My two year old says, flashing that toothy grin that I know very well.

"Let me see, детка!" I say, matching her excitement.

She shows me the drawing, it's a mama bear and a baby bear. The small bear is labeled detka (baby), and the big bear is labeled mama.

"Mama," she says, pointing to the big bear, "baby," she says pointing to the little bear.

"Is that us?" I say, knowing the answer already.

"Yup," she says, popping the p and grinning.

"I love it Детка!" I exclaim, pulling my baby into a hug while smiling from ear to ear.

"Okay, it's nap time now," I say, knowing she will love it.

Her eyes light up and she looks at my breasts suggestingly.

I roll my eyes, "maybe, sweet girl."

I scoop her up in my arms and tickle her belly. She lets out the cutest giggle ever and tells me to playfully stop.

"Okay, angel. I'll stop" I say giggling, I poke her nose and kiss her forehead.

I quickly change her into some comfy clothes and lay her on my bed with her monkey stuffed animal that's named bobo. (I don't have a clue why), but it's her favorite thing to snuggle. I mean, when her mama is not around it is. She tugs on my top, signaling she wants to nurse.

I'm trying to ween her from nursing but she's just so comforted by it. I would feel awful to take that away from her. I slowly take off my shirt and my bra and she latches on. I stroke her hair as she looks up at me with her huge eyes, resting her hand on my other boob. I make a silly face and tickle her belly causing her to giggle and a drop of milk to run down her chin. I wipe it off and kiss her lovingly. She falls asleep suckling peacefully in my embrace.

(End of flashback)

Once I lay my daughter down in my bed, she immediately cuddles into my blankets and sighs contentedly.

I hear a quiet knock and the door and go to open it, I open it slowly to not wake up Alana.

"Hey, Wanda, what's up?" I say.

She peeks her head into my room, biting her lip once she sees my daughter.

"Is that her?" She asks skeptically, coking a brow.

"Yes, it is her," I say sorrowfully. How could I have let this happen? My poor baby girl has to suffer because of me. I tear up for the second time today and Wanda pulls me in for a reassuring hug.

Wanda and I have grown very close over the years and we have been able to relate to each other in ways the others can't. Yes, I love my team like a family, but Wanda and I have been able to bond on another level. A more personal level.

"It's going to be okay. It's not your fault, Tash."
She soothes, rubbing my back. I inhale her scent and sink into her comfort.

"I know. It's just so hard to see her in so much pain and knowing she doesn't want any help," I croak, "Bruce found an unhealthy amount of Xanax in her system, like life threatening."

I sigh.

"Well, we can all help her through it. No matter what it takes, we are all here for both of you, okay?" Wanda promises, squeezing me tighter.

"Thanks, I love you guys so much," I say.

Wanda and I say our goodbyes and both head to bed. I curl up to my baby and hold her as tight as possible and she grabs my shirt, Finally drifting off into a deep sleep.

Hey, lovelies!!! I hope you liked this chapter!

Please let me know if you have suggestions or ideas for the story. I'd love to incorporate them.


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