< Acetaminophen >

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I can't describe exactly how I'm feeling right now. I know how I should be feeling: sorry, guilty, disgusted. I know it was bad, what I did, but I just can't seem to care. What I feel isn't bad. It's almost like I'm excited. I should go to jail for what I did, but I just can't stop thinking about how amazing it felt. How much I want to do it again.

I should explain myself, I guess. Even if no one will ever see this, I think I might want to remember. I want all the vivid details. I want to relive this feeling forever.

I remember walking to the grocery store when my mom asked me to get something for her. I was looking at the list she had given me when one of my bullies from junior high pushed me. He started spouting whatever bullshit he used to say to me in middle school and I got so mad at him. He started hitting me, pulling me in between two buildings so people couldn't see. It was middle school all over again.

I was... well when he left I was angry. I think I had the right to be angry. I wanted him to feel pain too, the pain he put me through so often. I needed to find a way to hurt him too. And I did.

I went to the store to get everything I needed from the list. The last thing on there was Tylenol, and when I saw the word, it just clicked. I got two boxes, one for my mom and one for me. I had to go back around the store to get everything I needed, but in the end, I got all that was on the list and the ingredients to bake a few pieces of chocolate.

It took a while to bake, especially because they had to be made at such a low temperature, but that only gave me some time to write out a heartfelt love letter. I know he we always desperate for those in middle school, and I doubt that would have changed in high school.

I only made a few pieces, just to make sure he was more likely to eat all of them. There should have been more than enough to kill him in one, but just in case, y'know?

It was so much work. I had to wake up early and put them in a cute little package. I wore a skirt and a hoodie just to make it harder to find me. I made sure to wear gloves and act like I was nervous, fiddling with the bright pink box. I knew what school he went to and what time it opened. I was just lucky that the school put up a poster with everyone's lockers on it.

I had to make it there before most people and rush back home to get ready for school. It was hard to focus with the adrenaline high I was on. I couldn't stop thinking about it, wondering if he ate them and when they would start working.

It took five days for his death to show up on the news.

"Local teen dies from acetaminophen overdose, doctors say."

its so amazing. its everything ive ever wanted. i don't care about what happens anymore. i dont care about the consequences. more people need to die.

and I know who

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