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Aizawa stared in shock. It was only the first page and already he was horrified. He closed the journal and took a deep breath to clear his head. He placed the book down on the coffee table and stood up to get himself a glass of water.

'The book is fake. It's either someone put it in there to frame him or he made it for some other reason. There's just no way he would do something like that. That kid was in my class. I taught him. He wanted to be a hero. He didn't write it.'

Aizawa started warming up a glass of milk to try to put himself to sleep. He was going to need a clear head to finish reading even just one more page, and at the moment he was too tired for a clear head. 

He hadn't been able to sleep since the body was found. It was early in the morning when one of his classmates- Iida, he believed- found the body of Izuku Midoriya. The blue haired teen hadn't been the same since. No one had really, but he was the only student who saw it.

The teachers did too, obviously. They were all heroes, and they were used to seeing this type of thing. Well, they were supposed to be, but seeing someone you know looking like that, it was sickening. He was a child, and now he was gone. Buried under the earth somewhere that wouldn't be seen by anyone again.

The teacher drank his milk, trying not to think of what the body looked like. He put the cup in the sink and marched up the stairs, hoping to finally get some sleep. This thing had been hard for all of them, but some were just taking it a lot worse than others, and Aizawa was one of those people. 

Maybe it wouldn't have been so hard for everyone if this wasn't the third Class 1-A student to be poisoned this year.

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