Library Love 3/3

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.They came outside.
“I’m sorry you had to deal with such a man because of me” Samaira said.
Jay: It’s fine. I wouldn’t have let him go If I knew it was you.
Samaira: What do you mean?
Jay: I still love you, Samaira. I’ve always loved you. Even when we were little. And, when I spent time with you, i realised that maybe we are actually meant for eachother. I thought you were high-maintenance, But you? You were completely it’s opposite.
Samaira: It’s not that i didn’t love you back or something. I was just not ready back then, I was almost about to establish my career. I’ve always dreamed of my career than love. But then, i thought and thought about it. I even came to you with that gift. Have you read the letter in it? I said that we’d met after 5 months and date, i thought you could wait for me and come back but you? You never came back Jay.
Jay : That’s because I never opened the box. I didn’t want to be hurt over again.
But, does that mean- you- you love me back?
Samaira : Ofcourse!

*They both chuckled and hugged each other, they were very close. Their lips met and they kissed. There were firecrackers in the background. They broke the kiss and chuckled. They kept staring into each other’s eyes.*


The next day,
They met at the mall.
Samaira: Ready? We have a bunch of things to be done.
Jay: As you say, ma’am (bows sarcastically)

*Samaira and Jay go to a men’s ware shop, she makes him try many suits and compliments him.*

Samaira: Not this! Let’s take the second one only. Try it again, please🥺.
Jay: Fineeee! But I'm tired.
Samaira: Last one please!!

*He goes inside to change and she buys another suit till then, she asks the cashier to add the suit that we buy next in the same bag and to keep the bag with her till then.*

He comes out,
Samaira: So cute!----
Jay: i know.

*He goes inside, changes and comes back. She pays for it, even after he tells her not to.*

They go, have food and then, they go to a park, where no one else was present. They enjoyed the view of the stars. Soon then, he went on his knees and opened a box with a necklace, Firecrackers started bursting in the back,

Jay said,:
"Samaira, would you be mine, FOREVER?"
"but Jay, what about the distance?"
"That we'll seen, won’t we. And even if there’s distance, we can make it work."
"Mm-Hmm. I’ll be yours, forever."

He stood up and she turned around, he put the necklace on her. It looked great.

They both hugged and kept staring into each other’s eyes.

They kept their love by meeting everyday for 4-5 weeks.
Then, it was the day when her shoot got over and she had to go.
Samaira asked Jay to meet her.
They met again, at the park.

Jay: Hii, what happened?
Samaira: Jai, I’m going back-
Jay: Yes, i know.
Samaira: I’m going back today!
Jay: What? The day before previous day, you said it’d take another week., Then?
Samaira: Yes, i know. But today a message popped up, that i’ve to go back. What can we do now Jay?

A tear fell down from her eye.

Jay: Don’t cry, Samaira. (Wipping off her tears)
We can still make this work.
Jay: But some do, right?
Samaira: What if our’s isn't from the 'some'?
Jay: You trust our love, Don't you?
Samaira: I cannot take the risk to not be with you. Cannot you come along with me back to India, There are jobs there too, na?
Jay: Huh? It’s my WORK, If you wanted me to wait for your career, then why don’t you do the favours now? Okay, for a say, let's imagine I came to India with you, what if i don’t get a job there? WHAT WILL I DO THEN?
Samaira: You know what?
*Tears fall from her eyes*
Bye forever, MR. JAY NANDA!

she leaves with tears in her eyes.
He was standing there numb.

It was 6:30 p.m,
It was almost time for her flight.
She heard a bell ring.
She opened the door and it was Jay standing there with the same gift box she gave to him.
He said, "i couldn’t say goodbye to you, like that."
She held her tears,
"Come in, would you?, I can make hot chocolate for us too."
He smiled awkwardly and came in and sat down.
She carried the gift along with her in the kitchen. She kept the milk on gas and opened it. It was a ring, with a letter.

Letter: (Samaira reads it in Jay's voice)
I’m sorry for everything, Samaira.
I know you’re scared for us. But, trust me, I won’t betray you. I haven’t looked a girl since you said no back then too, And the gift? I opened that gift as soon as you went. It was very precious and i still have that letter with me in my wallet, everywhere I go. I even came back to you, 5 months after the letter, i searched for you everywhere. But i couldn’t find you, nor i thought I could face you, after what I said and did. I just want you to give me one last chance.
I know that you feel that I might turn like I was to, Behind girls and all, but trust me, that was all just fun, it didn’t mean anything, not even to them. And i’ve never had a thing too with them.
Please Samaira.
Yours forever,
Jay Nanda.

She came out with hot-chocolate. But she put sauce on her face on purpose.

"Here" (she gave her his cup.)
He chuckled cause he knew she did that on purpose.
"I approve of long distance now, but i have 2 conditions."
"Okay, sure, anything you say, go ahead" he said with a huge smile on his face.
"First, show me your wallet."
He gave her his wallet without asking a single question.
She checked his wallet and found the letter. She chuckled. She also saw a picture of hers in his wallet. She looked at him with love in her eyes.
"I DO TOO" he said.
"What is the second condition?" He asked curiously.
"It is that you’d have to come and visit me atleast thrice a year." She said with hope that he'd agree.

"Oh that, won’t be possible." He said with a sad face.
She gasped and said "why?¿"
He put his hand in his pocket and removed a ticket to India.
"I’m coming with you, to India. I talked to my boss and i got a transfer."
Her said and tensed face now turned into a happy face with a huge smile.
She hugged him in all excitement.
"I’m grateful for you, and i’m sorry for what I said before."
"It is okay, it is love after all."
"but i feel I'll have to keep doing that. Only then, you'd listen to me."
"Oh my god, please don't" he said being sarcastically shocked.
They both chuckled.

They went to his house with her luggage, picked up his luggage and were set to go to the airport.

In the car,
"If it had been long-distance, would you still love me the same?" She asked.
"YES. My love for you will never change. Even if you become a mother of 4 children, fat and chubby."
"Excuse me? I'm not having 4 children. My salary."
They both chuckled.
They kept talking and laughing the entire way.

After the flight they reached India, married each other after 11 months or so. They planned their 2 kids.

And they lived happily ever after.

Library love. [one shot] ✔Where stories live. Discover now