Library Love. 1/3

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Hii, I'm Samaira, I love reading books & especially the peace of libraries.
But there was a day,
When I met a person, extremely handsome.
He was reading my favourite book & as he held it in his hand, it became my most favourite book.
But, he was there with a girl, holding each other's hands, they were reading books.

I was jealous, even though he wasn't mine.
So, the next day i again went to the library.
He came there too, again with that girl.
The same continued for 8 days.
A week, the entire day & night, i used to think about him, there was something special about him.

So one day, He came alone, without that girl.
It was the only chance for me to talk to him.

I went there and whispered,
"Hii, kya mein yahan baith sakti hoon?"
[Hii, can i sit here?]

He replied, "Sure."
His deep voice was so soothing.
I went ahead & said,
"My name is Samaira, what's yours?"
He awkwardly replied,
I said,
"Where have you studied?" he asked curiously.
"Saint Xavier's school & Junior college." i replied.
"Oh, Samaira!!! Class A, if I am not wrong" he said.
I shockingly replied,
"relax idiot, i'm Jay!!" he said

S : "I don't know any Jay."
J : "Jay Nanda, bro!"
S : "Akash’s brother?"
J : "Yes! And you're Ramya's sister na?"
S : "As if you don't know."
J : "HAHA, what are you doing here?"
S : "Same thing that you do in a library
But i must say, you've changed a lot in the past years!"
J : "Haha, gotta say the same about you."
Someone : "shhhh!!!!"
J : "Let's get out of here."
S : "Okay sure."

They both go out & Jay takes Samaira to an expensive restaurant.

S : "You're sure you wanna eat here?"
J : "Yes, why?"

Samaira takes her bag and says
Jay : "Kidhar?"
S : "shutup & follow."

Jay follows her and she takes him to a fair.

J : "You've bought me to a fair?"
S : "Yes!! Have you never been here?"
J : "I used to go to fair very less,
Only once or twice."
S : "WHATTT!!!???"
J : "Yes, i mean-"
S : "Are you even a human? Bro you do not know what you're missing on. Oh, but you're toh mr. Ameer na! why would you come here among us." *in a joking tone*
J : *laughs*

Samaira runs towards a cotton candy vendor.

S : "Come here!!!!"
J : yes coming.

She takes 2 cotton candies and gives one to Jay.

S : They're amazing, aren't they?
J : Yes, but a bit too sweet.

She takes the cotton candy from his hand and starts moving ahead.

J : arre! I didn't mean to--
S : shutup. Do not say that again, ok?
J : Yes ma'am. *Bows sarcastically*
Samaira laughs.

She runs to a ride.

S : Let's go on this one!!!!!
J : No-no, i'm scared of rides.
S : Come on, let's go naaaaaa,
Please? *Makes a puppy face*
J : Alright yaar.

They both go on various rides. Samaira enjoys them but he, he was totally scared but did it for Samaira. Samaira kept laughing on him.
But, they both had a lot of fun.

Library love. [one shot] ✔Where stories live. Discover now