Jakey boii

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Jake pov:

I got into the bus Hailey waved at me and gestured to sit next to her. I saw her and I waved back but I was looking for Drew.I was relieved when I saw him. Somebody pulled me a it was Milly.she said today I should sit with them and grabbed me and dragged me near where Hailey was sitting Drew was sitting opposite side of were Milly and Zander sitting. I was kinda thankful of Milly because I was very flusterated after the dream I couldn't get myself to talk to him.I was goin to sit near Hailey well suddenly Zander popped up and sat near her I laughed and Milly whined and me and Milly sat together Milly was sitting near the window. I saw Drew he was looking out the window and scribbling something on his notebook.nobody was sitting beside him.he was sitting alone I felt bad for leaving him alone.suddenly I heard Milly yell at me.JAKE... she yelled I looked at her.she looked worried and angry.

Milly : it's been 5 minutes I have been calling u dumb peach 

Jake : mhm oh I'm so sorry about that 

Milly : no worries *wink* but what we're you thinking when u were zoning out

Jake : oh just about Drew I say smiling 

Milly : can't live without seeing your boyfriend huh *smirk*

Jake : huh!! I could feel my face being warm and turning to a light shade of pink 

Milly: don't worry about it this is our little secret I'm repaying you by helping me that day she saying while putting her index finger on her lips and made a noice shhh 

Jake : Haha nice joke I don't really like him. Not like that I like him as a best friend 

Milly : no need to get overwhelmed *laughs* I was just joking 

Jake : I just hummed in response 

Drew was sitting alone until daisy sat beside him she was talking to him and he seem to enjoy her company. Drew was chuckling daisy looked so flusterated and annoyed at the same time.I was feeling a little up seeing drew chuckle.Drew looked at me we made eye contact to not be weird I winked at him and glanced somewhere else and glanced and Drew again he was still making eye contact with me I looked away from him because his expression changed when he looked at me. He was happy talking to me but when he looked at me his happiness just faded away. I guess that he saw Milly sitting beside me.now I was feeling more down than usual.Milly looked at me and started speaking.

Milly : does your boyfriend think that ur leaving him he looks so depressed than usual and kinda unusual to see him chuckle Milly laughed he looks kinda you know.

Jake : cute,Handsome, loving,caring, precious little thing did you know he has baby like hand and when I hold his hand it's so warm and comfortable to hold I got cut off by Milly

Milly : woah there so you admit that he is ur boyfriend huh? *she was laughing holding her stomach* 

Jake : he already has a girlfriend 

Milly : oh I didn't mean to upset you 

Jake : huh I am not upset 

Milly : but you could agree he looks so much kinder when he smiles 

Jake : mhm I want to know what he is doing in his notebook tho 

Milly : seems like he is drawing something 

Daisy noticed me staring at Drew while Milly was just lookin at them she waved hi to daisy and daisy waved back.Daisy moved her eyebrow up and down and turned head to Drew who was in consenting the thing he was doing and looked back at me smiling.I moved my hand left and right signaling no. The bus stopped. I glanced at drew before we all left.we were about to enter the building when daisy was running whit a bright smile one her face that I never saw before dragging drew inside the school they were fast. What's up with them Zander spoke.isn't that jerk ur best friend ? Zander he is not a jerk and I don't know why they are running. Yah whatever spoke Zander again. Not gonna lie Jake he is a jerk don't get blinded by his expensive gifts he buys you.first of all I checked my eye and it's completely fine Hailey. Don't u dare speak to my sister like that spoke Zander in anger.Luke cooled him down. Miley spoke stop getting into frights it's not worth ur time . Hey you stole my line spoke Hailey.we went to our locker and took our text books . I didn't have any class with drew I guess because he would be waiting for me at the locker but I didn't see him.

*time skip*

It was lunch time I sat at our table drew broke the silence between us 

Drew : are you okay *i lean in closer* you have been staring at me quiet a while now 

Jake : I snapped into reality we were inches apart. One move and-

Liam : cleared his throat  

Henry : are you guys going to kiss?

Jake : hahahaha I could feel my cheeks being warm and getting more warmer 

drew moved back looking at me and turned facing his food 

Drew: so Jake-

Jake : [I quickly ate my food] I think I am late for rehearsals I waved at them I noticed drew looked quiet sad 

The rest of the day I ignored him because I remembered the dream when I see him it was embarrassing for me.........feeling like this to my best friend 

Author ✍🏻 


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