24: Wednesday

228 9 8

Tw: abuse, swearing



I woke up the next morning by no specific reason. I firstly got my phone that lay next to me and checked the time. When I saw that it was already 10.30am I froze for a second, until I realized that it didn't even matter when I would stand up. I just sat up and looked around for a second. I really had to get used to this now, but since it was my first actual day living here, I knew that I would need time. After a little while I stood up and put on some sweatpants, along with a hoodie. Then I walked over into the bathroom where I quickly brushed my teeth. Since I didn't saw Wilbur anywhere when I walked back into the living room, I just went back into my room and sat down on my bed again, where I started to check twitter and everything else. I spent probably half an hour, probably even more, on my phone before I got thirsty and walked over to the kitchen. I just got a glass and filled it up with some water.

I sat on the kitchenette and emptied my glass. I just placed my glass next to me and stared at the wall, lost in thoughts, until I heard footsteps. "Oh, you're awake?" I asked as Wilbur walked into the kitchen. He yawned and nodded. It seemed like he just woke up, because he was still very sleepy. I looked at him as he also got a glass that he filled up with some water. He emptied in just one draught and placed it in the sink afterwards. "How did you sleep?" he asked. "Actually... very good, surprisingly" I answered and placed my glass also in the sink. "That's good, have you heard anything from Sky yet?" "No, not yet" I replied and shrugged. It was now already 11.45am and I realized that Sky could call any time. I didn't know when they were leaving. "Will?" I asked after a while of silence. "Yeah?" I took some deep breaths in and out. 

"I- I know I asked for much the last days, and you did so much for me, I shouldn't even ask you. But, would you mind coming with me to Sky later? I just don't know if I can do it on my own, y'know, when Sky goes" I explained. My voice was unstable and I was looking down to my hands. "Of course I can. I think today is the day where you need someone else the most, y/n, and I told you I wouldn't leave you, so I will stay by your side" he answered what made me smile a bit. I just silently stood up and wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him. I buried my face in his chest "Thank you so much Will. For everything" I whispered. For a while he did nothing, until he wrapped his arms around me as well, and placed his chin on my head. "Anything for you" he whispered.


Wilbur and I just sat around on the couch, just being on our phones for quite a while now already, until I got a phone call. I repeated the name over and over again in my head. It was Sky. Sky was calling. I normally would've been happy about it, but today I wasn't. It didn't mean something good today. I sighed and accepted the call after a while. "Hey Sky!" I said and looked at Wilbur, who just changed a short look with me, before he looked back at his phone. "Hey y/n, where are you? I was so scared, is everything fine?" they asked, what made me smile. "Yeah, I'm completely alright. I'm just already at Wilbur's. A- are you leaving now?" I asked. They were silent for a while until they hummed "Yeah I am, would you mind coming over for a while again?" "No of course not, just... do I have to come alone?" "No please don't. My father is here so... probably take Wilbur with you" "Okay, I'll be there in probably five to ten minutes, okay?" "Mhm, see you" 

"Should we get going?" Wilbur asked who was now looking at me. I closed my eyes, trying really hard not to cry, and nodded. We both stood up and got all of our things before we walked out. "I guess we will just walk over there?" I asked. "Yeah I'd say so too" he answered. After that, we went silent again. We just walked silently over to my old flat. We just needed five minutes over there. Once I stood in front of the door I started shaking a bit. I got scared. I did not get scared because of Sky leaving, I got scared because of their father. "y/n? What's wrong?" Will asked who stood slightly behind me. "I- I guess I'm j- just c-cold" I lied and got my key out of my pocket. I took in a deep breath and opened the door. I needed a second before I could go in. I was too scared of what Sky's father could do to me. "Are you sure you're fine?" "Y- yeah, let's go" I answered and stepped into the flat.

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