Chapter Four: Calm

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Ena woke to the pleasant sound of humming. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, soon realizing that she had fallen asleep by the bay window. She decided that the thought wasn't worth her time and swung her feet around to the floor.

She looked around, now more focused on the humming that anything else she had to do that day.

It wasn't hard to find the source of the angelic sound.

Azura sat at Ena's vanity, lazily brushing her hair and humming what sounded like a lullaby.

Ena was astonished by simply the rough tune of the melody, but soon enough Azura began singing the words.

She sang of the seas and the skies, how they could shift from peaceful to dangerous in the blink of an eye. She sang of cotton candy clouds, how one would be misted as they flew through the masses. She sang of thunder and its warning. But most importantly, she sang of flowers.

"Petals so wondrous

Vines so pure

But they're strike can be thunderous

And there is no cure

The love of the lonely

And the pain of the soul

Mix altogether

In a place far from home"

Ena was entranced, quite literally beyond words. All she could do was stand there in place and admire the sweet poem being unintentionally read to her.

She reached out her hand, but the moment was interrupted by Spencer bursting through the doors, catching the attention of both women.

"Sorry to interrupt my lady, but King Tamers will be arriving in an hour or so, and I do need you to be ready before that," he calmly stated while he raided Ena's closet.

"My festival gown has already been set," Ena said, gesturing to the mess of green and florals on her bed.

"Right, of course," he sighed, "my apologies I'm a bit-"

"Winded?" Ena said, a small smile threatening to creep its way to her lips.

"Yes. Winded." He straightened himself out.

"No worries," Ena picked up the gown, "I've seen you much worse."

She headed to the lavatory with her gown bundled up in her arms. Spencer followed but stayed outside the door, continuing to inform her.

"Breakfast is ready, and Eleanor should be stopping by with Azura's breakfast as well."

Azura's face lit up. A fancy royal breakfast? For her? Hell yes.

"And what of the preparations?" Ena said from the other side of the door.

"We're all set for the southerners' arrival, and by the looks of it the festival is more than ready to begin." Spencer answered. Straightening out the cuffs of his button up shirt.

Ena opened the door. Her hair was rather messy, but her gown was absolutely stunning, or at the very least Azura thought so, but Azura was also distracted by the shiny flowers that littered the green fabric of the gown.

"Looks like you have a fan," Spencer said, holding back a snort.

"Oh hush," Ena spat, lightly hitting Spencer on the arm.

He gasped, "did you just hit me?"

"Don't sound so offended you big baby," Ena picked up her skirts and walked to the door.

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