Two of Hearts

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I woke up and looked behind me to see George missing. I frowned wondering where he went. He wasn't working because Ron was taking over the shop today. Maybe I should ask George to go to Diagon with me to go shopping. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. I passed the dining room and saw George reading the paper with a cup of coffee in his hands. I sat next to him but he didn't seem bothered to notice me.

"Good morning" I smiled deciding to wait to make coffee for myself.

"Morning" He simply said still looking at the newspaper. My smile faded for a second, something is probably interesting in the newspaper.

"How did you sleep?" I said still looking at him.

"Same as usual" He shrugged.

"Do you want anything for breakfast?" I asked placing my hand on his.

"No, I already had some toast"

"Wow, your missing out on my pancakes" I joked to try and make him at least look at me.

"Babe, Could you just leave me alone? it's 9 in the morning and you're already babbling" He said finally taking his eyes off the page which led to my hand moving off of George's. The glare he had on me felt like he wanted to cast the Ascendio spell so I could go away.

"Sorry..." I said getting up not knowing what to do.

I went upstairs and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and sighed. Well there goes taking George to Diagon Alley. I walked downstairs seeing George now in the living room sitting on the couch.

"Uhm I'm going to Diagon Alley," I said getting my shoes and coat on.

He only nodded and stayed looking forward. I looked down biting my lip. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. I decided to take the bus instead of driving just in case George was going to go anywhere. I paid the fee and sat down holding the handle bar tightly to avoid being fumbled around. When we made it I went straight to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. When I got inside the store was very quiet because of the time but turns out Ron didn't turn on the open sign. I saw Ron half awake and went up to him and pressed the bell making him jolt awake. He glared at me before fixing himself.

"Bloody hell," Ron said rubbing his face. "Let a man get some sleep"

"Not on the job," I said crossing my arms. "You forgot to turn on the open sign."

"What are you doing here?" He asked leaning against his hand. "Your hair is all over the place"

"I need to go shopping for groceries," I said fixing my hair.

"I'm surprised George isn't with you"

"Me too" I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Ron asked patting the chair next to him behind the counter.

"Well last night we were talking and everything seemed fine, smiles and everything." I sighed and sat down. "But this morning it was different"


"Was there anything good in the paper today?"

"No, just the usual boring stuff," Ron sighed. "Wish it was interesting"

"George couldn't peel his eyes off of the paper that's why" I looked down. "He was certainly in a mood today though"

"Maybe he's still upset about you know...."

"That's what I'm thinking, I just hope he gets in a better mood later," I said laying my head on the counter. "I feel bad."

"Wanna help work today for a bit? To have someone to talk to? I can call Harmonie too"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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