Part 1

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I always wanted to be a soldier and now I had the opportunity to join a team. They are called Devil Partizans, i.e. 715 tm.The car journey there is 2 hours. The house is ready to move into. I packed everything and put it in the trunk. I've lived alone until now, so there won't be much change. Just a new neighborhood and new friends. The thought didn't scare me.I've been driving for much longer than that. There will be no challenge. But I'm sure I'm looking forward to a boring 2 hours. I had already gone three quarters of the way when suddenly a deer jumped onto the road. I managed to brake before I ran into it. The deer just stared at me and I did the same. It lasted about 1 minute and then he ran in the direction of the trees.The rest of the trip was uneventful. I soon arrived in the city. After a bit of paralysis, I mapped the area and parked in front of the house. I carried all my things in and arranged them. The house was furnished, so I didn't have to worry about the furniture.Then I went back to the nearby store to do some shopping.Next day.Now I started to fear what they would say to a girl. I look behind them, there are only boys there. Integration will not be easy. But I'm trying to trust the centurion. He said they were a bit jerky, but I would be able to fit in perfectly.On my first day, the captain will be there to talk to the boys. But the final decision is made by Roman. I think that if I can show them what I know, they will surely swoon.I got out of bed and tried to straighten myself up. I showered and dressed like a soldier. I staggered into the kitchen to get something to eat before I left. But I couldn't bring myself to eat. My stomach churned with nervousness. I imagined how they say that you are not enough here. As time passed, my fear turned to terror. But I still got up from the table and headed in the direction of the brainteaser, I didn't want to be late.I arrived and parked next to a butter colored Chevrolet SUV. It was then that the centurion walked into the parking lot. I got out and shook his hand.- I'm glad that finally a girl joins the boys to slow them down.-How can I slow them down? Once I am like them.- I'm sure you'll blow their minds.- Oh sure.We walked through the gate that led us to the open little wooden house. Everyone was already there. Up until now, you could hear them almost dying of laughter. I just hoped they weren't laughing at me. When we got there, it was immediately quiet and they saluted their superior.- So she would be your new partner, if you, Roman, decide to do the same.- Let's see what you can do, little girl.- I'm not that young, you're only three years older.- Okay. rog that.We went out to the shooting range. I immediately picked up an AK-47. I started shooting all three dummies at different distances in the head in a row.A full hour later. The team moved aside to discuss what to do. I heard everything, they were whispering too loud.- But boss, it's a girl.-Who cares, right?- I care.-Shut up Sviner.- But seriously, can she keep up with us?-And she won't whine about every little thing?-Surely not.-But...-Trust me.- You know, captain.They came back to announce the decision.
-Welcome to the team Nadia.- Thanks for letting me join.- It's only natural, maybe you aim better than Guppa.- Maybe.- Hey guys, are we going to eat? It's almost noon.- Let's go, I'm about to eat fillings.-Then what are we waiting for?We walked to the nearby Mark Craft Burgers. On the way, everyone tried to find out as much as possible about me. They asked me such things. that what would I choose: an ak-47 or an M4. Or where I was born, why I wanted to be a soldier. I found it funny how they wondered why I was so boyish but still a girl. We were unable to find a place where all six of us could fit. Finally we managed to find a table.

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