Part 2

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we practiced for weeks on the range and in the nearby forest.Winter has arrived. Movement in the forest was made very difficult by the snow, the area was covered by a blanket of snow at least 1.5 meters thick. Because of the cold, we spent less and less time outside. Although everyone could stand the cold and we had the right equipment, no one wanted to stay outside in such weather. Towards the middle of December, we barely left the barracks. Because in the meantime, all the teams around Kaliningrad were grouped here. It's like they're afraid of something.It was still early in the morning when the captain came to see us. He stood at the door for a while and looked at everyone. Roman also just stared with his coffee in his hand. It was quiet. I just woke up too, no one knew what was going on here.- Good morning, I see your days were pleasant. I have a little Christmas present for you guys. We fly to St. Petersburg and you went on a deployment near the Finnish border."Great!" sighed Ro.He ignored the boss's disapproval and walked out.- Oh, and you should be ready to leave at around 9..No one answered. As he got outside within earshot, Sviner muttered something like fuck you, this is your Christmas present. Then he got up and disappeared behind the bathroom door. Roman folded his mask up to his mouth and drank the coffee.- This is going to be really good!He injected positivity into his voice and sat down on one of the chairs. I was still sitting on the edge of my bed, I looked at the clock, it was already 8:24.Fortunately, I didn't really unpack my stuff, so I didn't have to worry about it. The boys Gup, Grooz, Dimitri and Svinner went out to smoke. They said that this day would be too stressful. I agreed with them, but I drank 1 dl of vodka instead. Then I decided to get dressed, I didn't feel like playing with the Finns right now. In the end, I managed to get dressed and even found my red star necklace, which I put on next to the dog tag. By the time I came out of the bathroom, Ro had also left. I closed my bag and stepped out onto the porch next to the others. I leaned my back against the wall.We stood staring into the distance, the snow covered everything. Then Ro's phone rang.-Who is this?- Roman, a team is coming from Hungary and I want you to receive them. The ferry will dock soon.-Okay.And he put it down.- This is getting better. - he chuckles.We all followed him. The ferry was already at the port. A car rolled down. they stopped in front of us and got out.

-Üdvözzöllek zokni fejű geci.                                                                                                                                              -What?                                                                                                                                                                                          -Valaki mondja mán neki özt angolu.-he turnd too his frends.                                                                           -Speak  in English or Russian.                                                                                                                                           -Jó van ne patogjál már itten. Hello we are from hungary.                                                                                  -I know.                                                                                                                                                                                         - Persze hogy tudod most mondtam. Ide figyelj zokni fej where is your superior?

I almost died from laughing, beacues I know what they say.

-Whats so funny Na?                                                                                                                                                               -I know what they saying.                                                                                                                                                    -And what?                                                                                                                                                                               -It's better if you do not know

several houres later

After a 1-hour flight, we had to endure another 1-hour drive. Everyone is tired now. Those Hungarians must have been drinking, it's a wonder they didn't collapse where they were. Roman almost went crazy. That's why I decided not to tell him what they told him. Roman and Sviner sat next to me in the truck, and the others sat in front of us. Sviner said on the way that "we are kept like dogs". This went on until everyone fell asleep. I was tired too, I gave in to temptation and fell asleep.I was able to sleep for about 30 minutes. When I opened my eyes, the first image I saw was that Ro's head was on my shoulder. I can't belive that. But the car stopped and he woke up. He just stared at me as the deer on the road. "sorry" he wishperd. I was still frozed. We got out of the truck. They didn't give us a few minutes too rest, everyone immediately headed for the forest. We spent the night in foxholes in the forest. The teams traveled 10 km through the trees. Two people ended up in one a foxhole. I shared it whit Roman. We haven't spoken to each other since then.

-Im sorry abaut that.                                                                                                                                                              -You don't have too be sorry, its okey.                                                                                                                           -You don't mind if....                                                                                                                                                              -No, I don't.

He rested his head on my shoulder again. We slept like that till the morning.  Unbeliveble but it was actually good. I felt something that i never did befor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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