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Sarah's POV

I woke up because of the sun shining through my windows and considering that I only went to bed at 3:30 am I didn't want to get up yet. I checked my phone and the time read 11:45 am. 15 minutes went by and I stayed in bed scrolling through Instagram mainly looking at Marvel fan edits and specifically edits of Wanda Maximoff. I sigh and eventually decide to get up for the day. I sat up in bed and pulled my wheelchair closer so I could transfer into it. After getting dressed I go out into the kitchen. Considering it is now 12:15 pm I assume my roommate is at university so I make myself an iced coffee and eggs for breakfast, well I guess lunch technically.

I am 18 years old and I have no idea what I want to do with my life, I know I want to work in the tv show or movie industry but I am in a wheelchair and there aren't many movies or tv shows that hire disabled people, I guess because we can't do the same things as everyone else which doesn't seem fair but that is just the way it is for someone like me. I finished my food and cleaned up the kitchen as best I could before grabbing my coffee and heading back to my room. I wheel into my desk and open my laptop and look through the Disney+ homepage, after a while of looking for something to watch I decided to put on WandaVision. I have watched WandaVison more times than I can count. Wanda Maximoff has been my favourite character in the MCU since she was first introduced in Age Of Ultron, Wanda is a very interesting and complex character but the biggest reason she is my favourite character is because of the actress who plays her, Elizabeth Olsen. Elizabeth seems like a very genuine person despite being famous, she didn't let fame and success change who she is and that is very remarkable in my opinion. I don't think many famous people are like that today. I can't help but smile every time I see Elizabeth, it would be a dream come true to meet her someday and thank her for everything she has helped me through, it is crazy how much a person can help you without even knowing you exist.

Would Elizabeth even want to meet me though? I barely have any friends so why would a highly successful actress like Elizabeth Olsen want to spend time with me or even meet me for that matter? The credits start playing and snap me out of my thoughts. I close my laptop and realize it is now dark outside. I check my phone and panic when I see I have missed 4 calls and 16 text messages from my roommate Michelle. She is going to be so mad at me I laugh as I call her back.

"Hey Michelle, sorry I missed your call. What's up?" I ask as she answers the phone.

"Sarah, how hard is it to answer your phone you live on it," Michelle replies, obviously annoyed that I missed her calls and texts.

"Sorry, I was busy watching WandaVision." I laugh softly.

"Yeah, you were busy watching a show you have seen probably 100 times already," Michelle replied. "Anyway, I just called to say I spending the night at Tyler's." She quickly added. Tyler is Michelle's boyfriend they have been dating for a little over a year now, I like him he is a nice guy and I know he loves Michelle but if I am honest ever since they started dating I feel like I am slowly losing my best friend.

"Uh, Sarah, you still there?" Sarah says as I have almost forgotten I was on the phone.

"Yeah sorry, I am still there and okay I will see you tomorrow." I say before hanging up the phone.

I go back to my desk and open my laptop again and start watching Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse Of Madness.

LIzzie's POV

It has been pretty quiet for me since I finished filming all of my Marvel projects. Robbie is out tonight and I am just relaxing on the couch. I open my phone and decide to download instagram, social media can be really toxic and draining but it is nice to see all the posts about Marvel and all the edits people have made for WandaVison. I decided to create a account using a fake name and a very generic profile picture, then I look at posts under the hashtags #Wandavision and #WandaMaximoff as I am srolling through the posts I keep seeing this one account come up over and over again so I decide to click on the profile. The account seems to belong to a girl around 17 or 18 years old, a lot of the posts on her page are about marvel or some other tv show or movie. Whoever runs this account doesn't post many things that aren't related to a tv show or movie but from the couple of photos she did share of her with some of her friends I notice she uses a wheelchair. I then notice that she recently shared a instagram story and when I look at when it was shared it says 5 minutes ago. It is just a black screen with the following text.

"Just finished watching WandaVison for the 100th time today, Elizabeth Olsen is amazing. Her performance as Wanda Maximoff in both WandaVison and Multiverse Of Madness is pheomanal. Lizzie I hope I can meet you someday and tell you how much you have helped me."

I can't help but smile as I read the words and thats when I notice smaller writing in the corner of the screen that caused my eyes to fill with tears.

"Its not like you would want to meet me though, the rest of the world ignores me, so why would you be any different? Why would you spend time with someone like me?"

"Someone like me?" What does that mean, does she mean because she uses a wheelchair? My heart breaks at the idea of that being what she means. After a few minutes I decide to reply to her story. "Darling, you are strong, amazing and capable of anything you put your mind to." I write and then hit send. I hope I didn't make a mistake by sending that, I mean this account is under a fake name so there is no way she will know it is me...right?


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter I have wanted to write a story like this for a long time and I am very happy with this first chapter. Please let me know what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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