Hi, Author here. I just wanted to apologize to anyone who was brave enough to read this poor excuse of a story.
I really am sorry that you had to read my poor attempt at writing a story, I was young and naive when I first thought of making this story.
It was brought to my attention that it needed heavy editing done in order to be a proper fanfic (in my ADHA and Dyslexic opinion(somewhat thank autocorrect))by a comment that I deemed inappropriate for an IronDad and SpiderSon fanfic.
I will get to fixing what I can when I have time to. I'm on Highschool Midterm Testing Schedule right now, so I am apologizing in advance. I might not be able to get to fixing it until American holidays come back for a bit. I thank you for reading it, and adding it to your reading lists. I will not be updating the story anymore this month(January 2023), because I have a Dentist appointment on the 12th, and my Birthday is on the 18th. In the mean time here is a few of my favorite songs from when I was in preschool.
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Sunless_Puppy is my Twitter, and Twitch handle.(just so you're not confused)