E. 1

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Setting: Atlanta, Georgia.

Date: July 1, 2015


[Paris P.O.V] -The Past-

"Paris! Where are you going?" My mother asked noticing that I was making my way out of the house.

"Deja's house!" I lied.

I was going to the hood to see if Chres was there, since he hadn't been returning any of my phone calls. "Alright! Be home before midnight ma'm." She said closing the door behind me.

I headed towards my black porsche that my father brought me not to long ago for my sweet sixteen.

I cranked up and headed down the road passing a few homeless people.

That's all you lived too see up in downtown Atlanta. Everytime I had the chance I would spare them a few dollars and buy them some food, but it was only when I knew everyone was in the trap.

None of them knew I was a rich child and I wasn't going to tell them that, because all I wanted to do was fit in with everyone down here.

When I first started going to the highschool I was a lame, but until I met Chresanto he made me feel worthy, but on top of that he was the biggest man of the deal, the drug king. I had to space myself from around him, so I didn't get caught by any police or better yet my parents.

Even though I was his girlfriend I got treated like one of his workers all of the time, having to go sell weed, and do his dirty work.

Outside of all of that dealing he was the best boyfriend, but nobody saw that but me.

I sighed pulling my car in the front of the trap.

All of Chres's workers were just outside smoking a blunt. I hopped out the car and they started to stare me down like they always did. I walked straight pass them and into the trap. I heard a soft moan coming from Chres's main room, which caused my temper to boil. I pushed open the door to see a girl giving pleasure to his manhood He didn't seem like he was enjoying it, because he wasn't paying her any attention. I stood there and watched her suck the soul out of his manhood, while the tears gently slid down my cheeks. I sniffed and it grabbed his attention. He quickly pushed the girl off of him and pulled his pants up struggling to make his way to me, but I ran out. I ran into my car and sat in it and sobbed until I heard the passenger door open. I sighed noticing it was Chres'. "Paris, it's no-

"Then what is it Chres? Huh? This the third time!" I yelled laying my head on the side of the window. "Baby, I love you! Don't act this way." He said lowly rubbing my legs.

"Whatever Chres." I sighed wiping some of the tears that were falling.

I knew the reason Chres had that girl up in the trap was because I never gave myself up to him. I was still a virgin and it might be crazy, but I'm scared of having sex. Its like I'm not ready for it at all.

"I'll fix this baby, Just don't make the mistake on leaving me, because that would be the last thing you would want to do." Chres said causing my skin to tense up.

The way his voice hit me and the way he had said that made it feel as if that was a threat. "What's that's supposed to mean?" I asked not trying to look in to his eyes. "Don't ask questions baby." Chres said and kissed me on the cheek making me feel more uncomfortable, I kind of shivered when he kissed me and he noticed it, because he started to chuckle. "Don't be afraid baby, I got you and you got me."He said rubbing his hand on my chin.

I just nodded still scared and he stepped out of the car making his way over to my side. "Come on, I'll take you out after I handle the rest of this business alright?" he said grabbing my hands pulling me out of the car making our way back into the trap. I noticed Jacob sitting there rolling his blunt.

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