Chapter 4

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 I stand up with my bag and walk out of fourth period cooking with Josh at my side trying to close his backpack.

 "Man I'm never going to catch up this late in the year!" he complains as we walk to the student parking lot.

 I roll my eyes. "It's not like you have six AP classes to catch up in. You don't even have to do anything for cooking or art!"

 We walk over to the student parking lot where my truck is. I groan audibly when I see that the football team is surrounding my truck. Josh looks at me concerned but I just shake my head and keep walking.

 When we get closer I feel my anger start to rise when I see that Zander is siting on the hood of my truck.

 "Zander! Get your ass off of my truck!"

 "Or what? What are you going to do about girlie?" He and all of his friends laugh at me.

 I see Josh start to walk forward but I put my arm out to hold him back. "Don't Josh."

 "Look at that! Girlie has got herself a little boyfriend!" Zander laughs louder but the rest of the football team only chuckle uncertainly or have fallen silent completely as I slowly approach my truck, like a hunter stalking it's prey. They can see that I'm about to do something that they won't want to miss it.

 I walk forward until I'm right in front of Zander. I stare at him until he stops laughing. My hand shoots out and grabs his shirt and I pull him down off my truck. I look down at him stare him in the eye and smile sweetly, "If you ever touch my truck or call me 'girlie' again, I am going to end your football career by breaking every bone in your arms."

 He laughs nervously, "Like you could do that. You aren't even strong-"

 He's cut off mid-sentence as he starts struggling to make contact with the cement now that I'm holding up two feet above the ground. I hear a collective gasp and cursing from the football team. I lower Zander just enough so we're eye to eye, his feet still dangling inches off the ground. "Still think I'm not strong enough to break your bones?" I smile evilly and then toss him into one of the football players. "Beat it!" I yell and the entire football team scatters.

 I turn to look at Josh who looks like he's about to run away as well.

 "What?" I ask calmly as I walk around to the driver's side of the truck. I climb in then reach across the cab to open the passenger side door. Josh climbs in still looking at me wearily. "What?!" I ask again.

 "How did you do that? How did you pick that guy up? He has to be almost 200 pounds!" Josh shakes his head, trying to under stand.

 I smile, "Let's just say I'm a little different from most girls."

 "Ha! That's an understatement," he says buckling up as I back out of the parking spot.

 "How do you think I did it?" I joke as I drive out of the parking lot, not expecting him to answer.

 "I think you're a lot different than you let on," Josh murmurs looking out the window as i bite my lip nervously.

 If only you knew how different I really am... I think sadly to myself.

"All day I've been watching how you act and you're always on guard like you think someone is gonna attack you. You talk to everyone like they're all your friends but the only person you're really close to is that Audrey girl in cooking."

 "Her name is Aubrie," I roll my eyes remembering her reaction when she saw me walk into class with Josh.


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