Anglea Lopez

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You are y/n Bradford-Lopez you are married to Angela and Tim Bradford's younger sister. None of her coworkers know that you're married apart from sergeant Grey and Tim. You are heading to the station as you witnessed a B&E earlier today, you saw the perp and he pushed you so you get a few scrapes from that so you're coming in to see a witness statement. You didn't tell Angela or Tim that you're here as you know how overprotective your brother is and how even more over protective your wife is, you got a busted lip and a few bruises from falling which are noticeable. You walk into the station and your meet Ed by sergeant Grey
SG- good afternoon y/n, how are you? I heard what happened are you ok?
U- I'm ok thank you, I'm more worried about what Tim and Angela are going to say
SG- they don't know?
U- no they are so over protective
SG- I know I don't have any control over this but they are going to find out
U- I know I'm going to see Tim now, I know Angela hasn't told anyone who's she's married to so I'll just tell her when she gets home
SG- ok I'll take you to him
Grey takes you to Tim
U- hello brother
T- y/n? What are you doing here? What the hell happened to you
U- I saw a B&E and he pushed me and punched me so I have a busted lip and some bruises I tried to chase after but I'm still injured front training
T- I'm gonna kill this guy, does Angela know?
U- no she's doesn't and you're not telling her
T- she's going to kill you
U- yea I know but her overprotectivness is worse than yours
L- hi, I'm Lucy Chen, I'm his rookie
You shake her hand
U- oh you're Lucy Timothy tells me all about you 
L- he talks about me?
T- y/n enough
L- why are you so worried about Lopez no one here knows Tim even has a second sister
U- I'm... friends with Angela
T- oh y/n Angela is coming this way
A- hey Tim do you have the paperwork— y/n? What are you doing here? What happened? Are you ok
You can tell how worried she's getting
U- I'm ok it's just a punch and a push  and I'm here cause I saw a B&E and I'm here to see a sketch artist so an officer and identify the perp
You take her face in your hands and make her look at you
U- I'm ok, don't worry
You kiss her cheek subtly and hug her
U- I'm ok don't get angry I'm ok
A- I am angry my wife got punched and pushed and you weren't going to tell me until I got home in five hours
L- wife? I thought you said you were friends?
A- you didn't tell her we are married?
U- I know you haven't told anyone that you're married so I thought I'd just say we are friends
You turn to look at Lucy
U- sorry hi, I'm y/n Bradford-Lopez Angela's wife
JN- wait your married
A- yes I'm married to a woman anyone got a problem with that? No good
U- I got to go babe the artist is waiting for me...
N- y/n?
U- oh hey Nyla
A- you two know eachother?
N- kinda
U- we kinda used to hook up before she went undercover while her divorce was going through and about we stopped a month before I met you it didn't really end well
N- well I'm married now
U- congrats I am too
N- that's great
U- how's your daughter?
N- she's doing great she has a little sibling now she's so happy about being a big sister
U- that's great nyla
N- so you married Lopez, you like cops or something?
U- no just ended up like that, I didn't even know she was a cop until Tim introduced me to her six months into dating
N- are you still working with the FBI?
T- wait you work for the FBI?
A- yeh she's got a desk job there
N- can I talk to you privately
A- what why?
U- it's fine let's go
You walk into an empty interrogation room room and nyla turns the cameras and microphones off both Tim and Angela follow you but go into the other side to listen in
N- you haven't told them
U- I can't tell them if I could don't you think I would've told her
N- I get that but your married y/n
U- I know i love her more than I thought was possible but if they find out that I was deep undercover in a drug cartel and I might have to go back in soon, how am I going to explain it to Angela she wants kids soon I want to be there the whole time I don't want to wait how long I may be undercover for, I don't want her to move on and forget about me
N- you can quit
U- what?
N- you can quit, you haven't signed anything saying you'll go undercover yet have you?
U- No I haven't
N- then it's simple, you quit or transfer, I hear there's an opening at a new BAU they are making here in LA maybe join there, you're good with computers so you won't have to travel as much so you'll stay here, you can start a family with Lopez and you'll still be in the FBI and you can finally come clean with Lopez as you won't have to lie about what you actually do cause I know you hate it
U- she's going to hate me Ny I've lied to her for our whole relationship cause of my work
Angela and Tim walk in
A- I don't hate you
U- What? How much did you hear
T- we heard everything
A- why did you tell me you were working a desk job you could of just told me you were just a field agent
U- apparently it wouldn't caused too much suspicion according to my boss so I just said i had a desk job im sorry I lied to you
A- I mean I'm not happy about you lying to me but I get it you couldn't cause of your work
U- so you aren't mad
A- no, but you can make it up to me?
U- oh how so?
A- well—
T- enough! I don't want to hear that
You laugh
U- ok Timothy I got to go to the sketch artist now
You kiss Angela
U- it's good to see you Ny
N- you too y/n/n
You hug her
U- we should catch up I've missed you
N- yeah defiantly, girls night at your place?
U- sounds good I'll get your number from Angela or Tim and I'll set it up, Chen can come too
N- sounds good
You turn to anglea
U- I'll see you at home gorgeous?
A- yeh see you soon love you
U- love you too

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