Chapter 8: Day off.

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3rd POV

It's a normal day in Tengu City. Children are playing, adults are working, and teenagers are suffering in a hell-like place called school. At Raizen High, students can be seen suffering with their teachers.

Student: *Groan*

Teacher: Hey! No lazing around. You need to finish this by today or I'll double your homework.

The student groans louder than before in response. You can even see smoke coming out of their ears. Once the bell rings to signal the end of the day, only then do they put down their pen along with their head.

Teacher: Okay, that's it for today, class. I want your answers on my desk tomorrow.

Student: Hai~

The teacher proceeds to leave the classroom. Immediately after the door closes, all the students in the classroom scream.


He shouts at the top of his lungs. The others follow suit.

Student2: Yeah!!

Student3: Why do we have to learn all this math in the first place?!?!

They keep yelling until they get tired of it.

Student5: I wish a spatial quake would happen or something.

Just as she finishes saying that, the school becomes distorted for a split second before they black out on the ground. Everywhere inside the school is filled with unconscious students except for one student. He's running around inside the building trying to figure out what's happening. Suddenly, a voice rings out through the speaker.

Kurumi: Can you hear me, Shido-san?

Shido: Kurumi?

Shido asks in shock, then Kurumi continues talking.

Kurumi: Right now, everyone is inside my time-consuming castle. If you have any business with me, you may proceed to the roof. Something is telling me you want to come here as fast as possible.

Kurumi's voice starts to laugh like a maniac as it's being broadcast to the entire school. Then the speaker gets cut off, leaving Shido in shock. As soon as he gets out of his shock, he starts running toward the roof.

Shido: Kurumi.

Once he reaches the stairs, he walks slowly and puts his guard up. When he reaches the top, Shido finds that the door that leads to the rooftop is broken. Bracing himself, Shido opens the door.

Shido: Urk...

Shido closes his eyes at the sudden brightness. It takes a few seconds before he can open his eyes normally. But his eyes widen in shock at the scene in front of him. He can see the whole school is surrounded by a giant semisphere barrier.

Shido: This is?

Kurumi suddenly appears from the ground and greets Shido.

Kurumi: Welcome~ I've been expecting you, Shido-san.

Shido: Kurumi, what did you do?

Kurumi: It's beautiful, isn't it? A barrier that sucks out the time of those who stand on my shadow.

Shido: Time?

Shido says in confusion. Kurumi laughs at him before showing him her left eye.

 Kurumi laughs at him before showing him her left eye

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