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Yumi's POV

We were sitting in the dinning room, for having dinner. Before in the living room, they told us, about their different surnames. And that time I got to know that Kim brothers are not real brothers. Well, even if they are not, they see each other more than that. They care for each other and Love each other. On the other hand is my brother, he hates his own, his real sister just beacuse if this woman, sitting infront of me.

~ Yumi, are you listening?

I heard someone call me. I looked infront and saw it was Jin shi

Me- Sorry, I was zoned out. What were you saying?

Jin- Oh, no problem. Actually Dad was asking if you Ok with their marriage after two days?

Me- Oh, Ofcourse I am.

Yoongi- amd what you two?

Yoongi's shii asked looking at Yejun and Yuri.

Yejun- I am Ok.

Taehyung-And Yuri?

He said. Yuri looked at Mrs. Song who was already glaring at her. She looked at me.

Mrs. Song- She is also Ok with it. Right Yuri?

She said in a very sweet tone which was clearly forced.

Yumi- Mrs. Song, if she is Ok, then she will tell you? Don't speak on behalf of her. Yuri, are you Ok with it?

I said to her in a cold tone, which is basically normal for her as I talk with her like this only. I looked at the others and was sure they were shocked on why I called her Mrs. Song instead of Mom?  I ignored them for now and looked at Yuri.

Yuri- Ne unnie.

Yumi- Ok. Mr. Kim, you heard her also now.

Mr. Kim- Ok. Well, if you all don't mind, you can stay here only. You can go and pack your luggage tomorrow.

Mrs. Song- Honey, but it will be proble--

Mr. Kim- What are you talking about? We don't have any problem. Right boys.

BTS- Yes Dad/Appa/Papa

(AN- Ok, to be honest, I myself found this line funny. Anyone else did?)

Mr. Kim- See.

Mrs. Song- Ok, then we will.

Mr. Kim- Ok the boys will show you the guest rooms and honey you can stay in my room.

Mrs. Song- Fine with me.

They were all now talking while me and Yuri just focused on eating cause food is life. Right? Well for us it is.
After dinner, Mrs. Song and Mr. Kim went to their rooms.

Namjoon- So, who is showing them the rooms?

He asked his brothers. I looked at them and saw all of their eyes in the one and only Maknae.

Jungkook- I knew it. Ok jeez I will show them. But....

Jimin- But?

Jungkook- Can Yuri sleep with me?

Huh? Yuri, why? I looked at her and saw her looking fully shocked.

Yuri- M-me?

Jungkook- Ofcourse you. I want you to sleep with me in my room.

Yuri- Why?

Jimin- Yuri, don't be afraid. Jungkook always wanted a younger sister. I guess that why he wanted you to sleep in his room.

Jungkook- Right Hyung.

Yuri looked at me. I gave her a small nod. She nod and said

Yuri- Ok

Yejun- He just want to use you as his personal slave, you bitch.

Yejun whispered and lucky for me, I heard. Yuri was looking sad. This idiot. I went to him and twisted his ears.

Yejun- Aahh.  Ah.... Noona, levae my ear.

Yumi- Leave your ear!! Didn't I warned you nit yo say anything to her. Huh? Do you need another slap?

Yejun- Aah.......noona, we are not at our home. Please leave me.....Yah guys anyone, stop her.

He said looking at BTS. I shooted them a dark glare, which made all of them step back.

Yumi- No one is going to help you Yejun. It's already late night, I will see you tomorrow afternoon. And if you do something, remember I will really beat the shit out of you.

I said leaving his ear, which were red by now. He was rubbing it.

Yumi- Where is the room, I am staying?

Jungkook- Ah...come with me umm....

Yumi- Noona. Call me Noona, since I am older.

Jungkook- Ok. Come with Noona and Yejun Hyung.

Yumi- No. Leave this dumb here. Tell him where is the room, he will find it himself.

Yejun- What The___

Yumi- Dare to curse. I will cut that younger of yours.

He immediately closed his mouth. I sighed and signalled Jungkook to come. He showed me my room while took Yuri to his. I hope, he will take care of her. Well, I know he will. He even helped her in school.
I putted all the thoughts aside and went to bed getting ready to sleep. Within half an hour, I was drifted in dream land.

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Words Count- 825

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