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Yoongi- Are you fine? Is your head still hurting?

Yoongi asked Yumi who nodded her head.

Yumi- A little better than before. Anyways, I want to ask you all something.

They all looked at each other and then at her.

Jin- What?

Yumi- I remember, I came out from my room last night and saw you all, but then somehow I fainted. Do you know how?

Jimin- You came out from your room? No, you didn't.

Yumi- I did. I remember.......

Namjoon- It must be your dream, Yumi.

Yumi- But I......  Was that really dream?

Hoseok- Guess so. Cause till I know all of us were in our rooms. Sleeping. So, how did you saw us?

Yumi- Maybe I am hallucinating things now.

Jungkook- Maybe you should have more rest Noona. You will be fine after that.

Yumi- I guess. I will be going to my room then.

BTS- Ok.

Yumi stood up and left. As soon as she left they all took a breath of relief.

Taehyung- That was close.

Jin- I know right.

Jungkook- But, we have to be more careful from now on.

Namjoon- Ya, we really forgot that we have 3 more people with us.

Hoseok- Yup, and we can't just faint them everytime.

Jimin- Right Hyung. And for some time we have to be more carefully around Yumi. I am sure she is a little suspicious of us.

Yoongi- Right Jimin.

Just then a voice of notification came from someone's phone. Namjoon checked his phone (Mafia Phone). He checked the message and widened his eyes in shocked.
Jin looked at him and got confused seeing him like this.

Jin- Namjoon, what happe---

Before he could finish his sentence, Namjoon stood up and ran upstairs. They all looked at him confused.

Hoseok- Why did he ran like this?

Jin- Don't know. He saw something on his phone and before I could ask, he ran away.

They all also ran behind him and saw him going to Yuri's room. As they went in saw the whole room was a mess.

Namjoon- No...No..this can't happen.

They heard Namjoon saying this. All of them looked at him in more confusion.

Yoongi- Namjoon, what happened?

Namjoon turned behind and saw the others.

Namjoon- H-Hyung......

Jin- What happened Joonie?

Namjoon- They took Yuri with them.......

They all widened their eyes in shock.

Jungkook- What? Who took her Hyung?

Namjoon-  Night Stalkers.......

Information About Night Stalkers

Night stalkers is a very powerful Mafia Group. It is the 2nd most powerful group in the whole Asia after Bangtan (BTS Mafia Group name) who are 1st most powerful and feared group in the whole Asia.

Night stalkers are always behind Bangtan to kill them. Cause if they kill them, their leader will the next Mafia King. It's not that easy as to be a Mafia King, they will have to kill each Mafia King of Bangtan. And it's almost impossible to kill 7 Mafia Kings who always stood up together.

Not only Night Stalkers but every other Mafia Group wanted to find their weakness which no one was able to. The only weakness they had was Themselves. Their brothers. But as they always stick together, no could harm even one of them.


Hey Moon lights
A short chapter cause
Plot is coming............
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Meet you all in next chapter.
Till then
By By

I love you all so much.

Words Count-600

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