Ch. 4 - Morning

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Morning routine. Well, more like the start of a new one...




Monika walks out of my room and heads to the bathroom while I head downstairs to check on the girls. "I'll see if Yuri is awake first." I arrive at Yuri's door and knock it gently. "Yuri?" I call out. 

"Y/N?" I hear her voice. Good. 

"Yes, it's me. May I come in?" I ask.

"Yes. You may." I open the door and see her reading a book from one of the shelves. Looks like she's getting comfortable already. I smile at her.

"Already reading huh?" I joke. 

"I can't help it. This book is really good so far."

"Glad to hear it. How long have you been up for?" I ask. 

"Since 7:30, so not long." She said, still reading her book. I nod. "How'd you sleep, Y/N?" 

"I slept pretty good actually. I'll start breakfast soon. Anything in particular that you like?" 

"Just eggs? If that's okay?" She blushed slightly. I smile.

"Of course. You can use the bathroom upstairs after Monika. If you need clothes there should be some in the rooms. I'll take you guys shopping today so you guys can have your own clothes." 

"That'll be great. Thank you, Y/N. For everything so far..." She said with a grateful. I have to admit, she's beautiful with that smile.

"My pleasure. I'm gonna check on Yuri, but I'll tell Monika to let you know when you can use the bathroom." I say. "I'll see you in a bit." I close her door and head over to Natsuki's. I knock gently again. "Natsuki? Are you awake?" No response. I decide to knock again. "Natsuki?" Again no response. "I'm coming in." I open the door slowly and peak my head in to see her still sleeping. I chuckle to myself as I see her holding onto a cupcake stuffed animal. I close the door and head over to Sayori's. Just as I was about to knock, I see Sayori's door open and see her walking out slowly while rubbing her eyes. She bumps into me and lays her head on my chest. 

"Morning, Y/N..." She trails off and she sleeps on my chest. 

"Hey, sleepyhead. How'd you sleep?" I ask, petting her head.

"Gooooooooood... Still shleepy..." I roll my eyes and slowly bring her back to bed. 

"C'mon, let's get you to bed. You can sleep some more it's still a bit early. Natsuki's still sleeping." I said. I guide her to her bed and set her down. 

"Thank youuuu..." She knocks out as soon as she lays down. I sighed and kissed her forehead before walking out of her room. 

"That girl..." I say to myself before walking back upstairs and heading to my room. 'Looks like she's out...' I knock at my door. "Monika?"

"Hey! You can come in." I open the door and see her only wearing my shirt. I blush at the sight.  "Good morning! Like what you see?" She says, smiling at me and doing her signature-leaning pose. 

"Like my wardrobe? I have a lot of graphic tees similar to that. I enjoy the streetwear style. Speaking of style, I'm thinking of taking you all to the mall to get some clothes for you guys and your own necessities."

"That'll be great! But, I'm still going to steal your clothes." She smiles innocently. 

"I know you will. C'mon, let's get breakfast started. Anything in particular that you want?" I ask. 

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