chapter 6

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meanwhile at azur lane

enterprise:what is happening here is there going on? I am kinda asking this meeting I have heard that a male transformed into a gold black armoured person and he kinda looks like a demon

while enterprise is looking at the picture of ohma zi-o that is secretly taken

enterprise:now back to the meet what happened out there?

kgv:well when her majesty told us to attack when we all fired I didn't do a scratch

Edinburgh:then he broughts out some kind of watch when he pressed it it said "ryuki" then a red dragon appears

enterprise:a red dragon? now your just speaking a crazy person would say then again the damage of the fleet isn't from a Bismarck or a siren go ahead con

kgv:well after that he pressed the buttons on each side of belt belt it said something like "Ryuki no toki! Final Vent!" I think that's what it said after that he jump into the air and dragon fired at him setting him on fire and kick us splitting the fleet and we where all heavily damage after that her majesty told to retreat then the rest it history

enterprise:I see... anything else that should know

kgv: Denmark if your going to find him you should prepare a fleet a very big fleet and not go alone recklessly again I think that man is not someone that is easily to deal considering he has defeated us easily to think he's holding back

enterprise:why do you think that?

kgv:his power on that fight... I don't know what iron blood will do with that power and how many tricks he get's behind his sleeve so be careful

enterprise: thank you for the warning but it doesn't change my mind of me finding him

kgv: very well then

then enterprise left to get a fleet

enterprise: alright everyone who wants to join me for mission to retrieve the pride of royal navy hood and fight the unknown ship that fought the royal navy?

while some what to join and some stayed kreig is discussing about something with woz

woz:my demon king I think I have something that I need to tell you off

kreig:what is it?

woz: enterprise is hunting you down

kreig:who and why?

woz: enterprise known as the grey ghost big E and the lucky E she has a fleet from azur lane is going to retrieve hood's wisdom cube and a part of her ship from Denmark and will soon hunt you down

kreig:I see.... looks like I have to fight her then if I don't it would probably become even worse

woz:I wish you good luck my demon king but may I suggest that you use the full power of all 19 riders hold

kreig: actually now I think about it it sounds easier to beat them all thanks for the suggestion I'll be leaving now

then kreig left while all of that was happening half of the iron blood ships where making the dai mazine and kasshins and the wolf pack is collecting materials bismarck on the other hand is going to the meeting in sakura empire

meanwhile on the iron blood factory the ship girl's are making the dai mazine and kasshins graf Zeppelin has a smirk on her face

zepplin:with this technology this is enough to destroy the world!

z46 then looks at Zeppelin and sweet drops

z46:just need 999 more to go...

z46 mind: maybe where not allies but maybe future lover's perhaps? and I think after this war ends,I should set up a date between me and him

then z46 started to imagine fantasies about....... krieg and her going on a date then krieg proposing to her and kreig putting the ring on her finger then z46 with a wedding on dress and being carried bridal style by krieg

z25:cmon! let's keep building we still have 1,999 more to go!

then z26 gets a call


weser:who is it?

z26: it's miss tirpitz

tirpitz (phone):hello how are things in the base and can I speak to my Bruder?

z26:good everything is going according as planned the plan and sorry but you can't

tirpitz (phone):eh and why's that?

z26:he left a few seconds ago we don't know where he's going but we left to go somewhere

then tirpitz heart skipped a beat the. said

tirpitz (phone):i-i see sorry for wasting your time bye


then z46 cut off the call

weser:now let's continue

meanwhile with tirpitz

tirpitz mind:where did he go? could he possibly left us? Nein he wouldn't do that could he?

tirpitz imagination

tirpitz: Bruder! where are you going?!

krieg: leaving

tirpitz:eh why?!

krieg:you all disappointed me all of you are too weak to be my Schwester

tirpitz then flinch


then krieg started to walk away

tirpitz:N-ein wait! don't leave us!

tirpitz then falls on her knees

tirpitz:i-i haven't told you I r-reallu feel

imagine end

then tirpitz yelled and started crying and acting like a 4 year old like a child

tirpitz: WAHHHHHHHHHHHH! B-bruder,p-please,d-don't leave us!!!!!!!!

to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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