Chapter Thirty-Two

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AN: This chapter contains Mature content. If you would like to skip that, stop reading when they begin kissing. There's no more plot after that until next chapter.

The day the Wizengamot reaches their verdict dawns crisp and sunny. They will be allowed to re-enter the magical world again once their house arrest is over, with the understanding that — if they misbehave — the court will not be so kind a second time. It's decided that due to the "extenuating circumstances" — that is, the fact that the original judge for their trial was personally involved and couldn't be trusted to provide any real evidence against them — the trial will be dismissed as a whole, with only a pile of Prophet articles stacked up in his office show for it.

"Very interesting stuff, Mr Malfoy," Theia had defended.

Draco scoffs at the memory.

Luna, Rolf, and Parvati have decided they're going to work together to breed Boasting Diskies, and to secure the necessary permits to release them in the Gringotts' water storage room. Teddy and Draco agree to continue working on a potion that could be poured into bodies of water to rid them of excess magic, even if the Boasting Diskies turn out to do their job well enough. Parvati lets them know she's happy to lend a hand on occasion, especially once they tell her they plan to experiment with olfactory spells as well.

One of the strangest friendships that develops over their confinement is between Lavender and Teddy.

He hears her and Granger whispering on the second to last night they're all at Grimmauld together.

"It's just ... a big step," Granger says. "Maybe I shouldn't have an opinion on this, but—"

"You think I don't know who saved me that day?" Lavender asks.

"... What?"

"The final battle. It was your voice, I know it was."

Granger is quiet for a long time. "I'd nearly forgotten about that."

"I wish I could say the same."

"You were so brave. We heard you, in the trees, trying to argue for Teddy's safety."

"He's just a kid," Lavender says. "And he ... I thought all werewolves must be evil. For years. But I knew Professor Lupin, and he was a good man. His son is too. So I want to be a part of the outreach programme. I really think I could do some good."

He walks away before he overhears any more. It feels too private to intrude.

When he gets back to the sitting room, Harry is there. He's talking to the portraits while he paints, and for a moment, Draco just watches him from the doorway.

The portraits notice him, and they say something that makes Harry turn around.

"Hi," Harry says softly.

"Hello." Draco knows how he feels, but he isn't sure if Harry's ready for all of it, so he does his best to keep it from pouring out. "Who are you painting?"

Harry smiles, running a hand over the back of his neck. "Er ... no one, actually. I'm not making anything in particular. This one's just for me."

Draco takes a step closer. Harry's got a streak of blue paint by his brow. The canvas, it's clear now, is just covered with vague shapes in no particular pattern.


"Yeah?" He turns.

"The Spectroculars..."

It threatens to pick at some insecure part of him that Harry has to ask.

"Things malfunction. Especially tricky, magical things." Draco hesitates. "I pulled the stock the first day after you came to the clinic, after I saw what happened to your eye. I've been trying to improve them since then."

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