Chapter Twenty-Eight

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They get down from the tree much the same way they came up it, and ensure the Aurors won't be moving any time soon.

Granger aims an Impervius Charm at her feet, then Draco's and Blaise's, and they splash back across the river.

They're almost to the edge of the forest when Blaise says, "Should we try shooting up sparks, or—"

He's cut off by a pathetic whimpering that stops them all in their tracks.

"Was that—" Granger starts, and then they hear it again.

"Human," Draco answers.

Granger's eyes are wide and frightened. She holds a finger to her lips, and both Draco and Blaise nod.

They creep through the trees towards the sound, careful to keep their footsteps light. Blaise keeps checking over his shoulder, making sure no one's following them. Draco understands the urge; he has the distinct feeling they're being lured into a trap.

They're almost back to the moor now, and Draco is growing steadily more anxious about their deadline. He stops when they can see dark figures through the line of trees. The people are crowded in a circle around several large animals that thrash in their binds.

He recognises a few of the people who are standing, including Chieftess Gore. The witch has her wand trained on the writhing bodies, strong red ropes of light shooting out to restrain them. Aurors flank her sides.

Draco hears the whimpering again.

He searches desperately among the people gathered for the source.

It's a woman, held in place by a firm grip. He notes her golden blonde curls with alarm. The woman's entire body is shaking. Though her hair curtains her face, he's nearly certain it's Lavender.

Draco checks immediately for the others and finds Scorpius first.

Scorpius has his arms wrapped around his body as he stares at the proceedings, nearly hidden behind the Aurors. No one seems to be restraining him.

A wave of black hair cascades down someone's back, maybe Parvati. She's on her knees, and he cannot see if she's bound or not. He looks desperately for Harry — Heffley, whomever. Finally, he sees Heffley's pale face clearly in the back, and a bit of the tension in his chest eases.

Granger's got her eyes on a flash of ginger hair peeking over the heads of even the tallest of the wizards, so that must be Weasley.

Draco looks for a hint of teal anywhere in the crowd, but he does not find it.

Where's Teddy?

Draco looks again at the scraggly forms in the centre of the makeshift circle, at their furry grey backs and long snouts. Wolves. Their movements are weak and tired, as if they've been struggling for a long time. He cannot make out any faces, nor can he see much of anything at all.

One more figure joins the group and says, "We haven't got much longer."

A few of the wizards look towards the sky, the stout, waning moon almost directly overhead.

Draco glances again. It's not waning. The moon is perfectly, unambiguously full. He thinks of Madam Pomfrey's first letter, 'I'd love the name of a powdered moonstone supplier ... friend of young Mister Lupin ... I have all the other ingredients on hand.' He thinks of Luna's, 'Please respond before midnight.'

The last time he saw Teddy flashes in his mind. Drawn out, tired, looking like he might faint ... Draco's eyes snap to Lavender again.

He knows what's in the paperweight.

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