When all goes wrong, trust me to fuck it up more

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Chapter 4: When all goes wrong, trust me to fuck it up more.

I took a shaky breath. Why was he here? He should be out. Out with the people of Ziure, helping them, assuring them, find that damn killer. I stood up. Welp, already fucked up once. How would it be possible I could fuck up again?

Adelrim, you're the Dragonborn equivalent of a fuck up.

I turned the knob; I was going to regret this so much. "What do you want." My voice was flat, dead. Giyo looked angry as if I had killed Krystal. His blond hair was combatted with his red skin and ice-blue eyes. I snapped in his face. "Helloo, anyone home?" Breaking out of his current state of 'I'm considering murdering you,' He decided he would do it.

Running straight towards me, he grabbed my throat, crashed my head against the wall, and began to yell. "YOU FUCKING WHORE WHY DID YOU KILL HER?!" I gave him a blank stare in my dazed, slightly not breathing state. "The fuck? M.ee? K-Kil..l H..er?" I barely breathed out. "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! YOU FUCKING BITCH, YOU KILLED HER." His yelling was beginning to hurt my ears. My vision began to darken, but I stayed awake long enough to see a shadowed figure hitting Giyo on the head. After that memory, I fell into what I can say was a very deep slumber.

𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘞𝘢𝘴 𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦Where stories live. Discover now